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拟合优度检验及其应用 许某某,数学与计算机科学学院 摘 要:数理统计的两个主要形式就是参数估计和假设检验,在这里,我们只介绍后者——假设检验,其中又只对假设检验中的拟合优度检验假设作介绍。假设检验根据样本分布族的数学形式已知与否,可分为参数假设检验和非参数假设检验,作为非参数假设检验之一的拟合优度检验,又是检验理论分布假设的重要方法。为了帮助我们更好了解拟合优度检验,本文将首先给我们介绍拟合优度检验的数学定义。其次,重点介绍时下讨论最多的两种拟合优度方法——检验和检验,并穿插具体实例解答来给我们直观的印象,帮助理解。最后,考虑到检验过程会很复杂,本文在最后一节讲述了这两种检验的软件实现,结合实例,编写运行程序。 关键词:假设检验;非参数假设检验;拟合优度;检验;检验 Goodness-of-fit testing and its application Moumou_Xu, Mathematics and computer science institute Abstract:parameter estimation and hypothesis testing are the main contents of mathematical statistics, here, we only study the latter——hypothesis testing, our key point is goodness-of fit testing. As is known to us, according to whether the mathematical form of sample non-normal distribution is known or not, hypothesis testing contains parameters fake check and nonparameters fake check. Goodness-of fit testing, one of nonparameters fake check, is the important way to test theoretical distribution’ hypothesis. To help us understand The goodness of fit better, first of all, this article will tell us the mathematical definition of The goodness of fit. Secondly, two methods, which are talked widely, would be introduced. They are testing and testing. A special example will leave us direct impression and help us to manage the way. At last,because of the complex testing process,it is necessary to tell how to use the statistical software to solve the problem.Combining with specific example,we get the program. Key words: hypothesis testing; nonparameters fake check ; goodness of fit; testing; testing 内容安排 1.拟合优度检验的提出 2.几种常用拟合优度检验介绍 2.1.检验 2.1.1.理论分布完全已知情况 1.随机变量是离散型 2.理论分布为确定分布 2.1.2.理论分布带有未知参数 2.2.检验 2.3. 检验与检验的比较 3.拟合优度检验实例分析 4.拟合优度检验的软件实现 4.1.检验的软件实现 4.2. 检验的软件实现 5.参考文献 1.拟合优度检验的提出[1] 假设检验问题就是通过从有关总体中抽取一定容量的样本,利用样本去检验总体分布是否具有某种特性。假设检验问题大致分为两大类: (1)参数型假设检验:即总体的分布形式已知(如正态、指数、二项分布等),总体分布依赖于未知参数(或参数向量),要检验的是有关未知参数的假设。例如,总体~(,), 未知,检验 或 . (2)非参数型假设检验:如果总体分布形式未知,此时就需要有一种与总体分布族的具体数学形式无


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