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Famous dishes Dezhou grilled chicken 炙鸡(德州扒鸡) Lotus flower and shrimp 青辣椒镶虾 Scallion flavoured sea cucumbers 葱烧海参 Famous dishes Chicken cubes with peanuts 宫保鸡丁 Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork 鱼香肉丝 Pockmarked bean curd 麻婆豆腐 Famous dishes pork in sweet and sour sauce 咕佬肉 golden roasted suckling pig 烧乳猪 Fricassee three kinds of snakes and cat 三蛇龙虎凤大会 Famous dishes Santao Duck 三套鸭 squirrel-shaped mandarin fish 松鼠鳜鱼 Chinese Four Cuisines Some facts… Eight Great Traditions (八大菜系): Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan, and Zhejiang. Cantonese, Sichuan, Shandong, and Huaiyang cuisine (combining Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang) as the Four Great Traditions (四大菜系). SHANDONG CUISINE (Lǔ CàI) Shandong Cuisine (Lu Cai) One of the oldest cuisines in China, with a history of 2,500 years. Originates from Confucius’ family banquet, then adopted by imperial kitchen. Lu cai has great influence in north China and has become the representative of North China cuisines Shandong Cuisine (Lu Cai) Specializes in seafood like prawns, sea cucumber, flounder Also emphasize on soup gravy Traditional luxury royal banquet SICHUAN CUISINE (CHUāN CàI 川菜) Sichuan Cuisine (Chuān Cài) 2000 years of history but gained popularity all over China after 1980’s Characterized in hot and numbing taste because using a lot of peppercorns and spices. Now it is one of the fastest growing cuisines in the world. Learn from other cuisines and cook in its own style. Sichuan Cuisine (Chuān Cài) Beef and fish are most popular Now making more and more seafood due to the influence of Cantonese food Most famous one is “hot and spicy crab” CANTONESE CUISINE (YUè CàI 粤菜) Cantonese Cuisine (Yuè Cài 粤菜) Long ago, Guangdong has been the farthest end of China and lack of all support from the rulers Cantonese people ate what they could find locally. Wild animals, plants even insects. 18-19th century, immigrants spread over the world and set up many Cantonese restaurants
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