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东亚区域内贸易扩张的因素探讨 摘要:区域内贸易的快速发展是近20年来东亚地区贸易发展最显著的特征之一。在东亚国家的起飞过程中,对美国市场一贯的依赖性,一直是挥之不去的“肋痛”,因此“脆弱性”、“对外依附性”成为批判东亚经济发展模式的关键词。然而,在近20多年来,东亚的区域内贸易的增长速度几乎是世界贸易的两倍,而且远远超过了北美自由贸易区和欧盟区域内贸易的增长速度。东亚区域内贸易在没有一个完善的一体化机制背景下也能发展得如此之快不能不说是一个“奇迹”。文章从区域内贸易扩张的角度进行分析,介绍东亚区域内贸易模式的变化慨况及特点,探讨区域内贸易扩张的本质及变化规律,为进一步的区域内经济合作提供相应的依据,同时也对其发展面临的困境和挑战做出分析并提出对策。 关键字:东亚;区域内贸易;贸易扩张 Probe into the Factors of Trade Expansion in Eastern Asian Area Abstract: Rapid development of intra-regional trade has been one of the most significant characteristics in Eastern Asian area for the past 20 years. In the process?of?rejuvenation in Eastern Asian countries, they have been always depending on the market of US, which is a lingering rib pain . Therefore, vulnerability and external dependency have become the key words to criticize growth model of economy in Eastern Asian .However, the growth rate of intra-regional trade in Eastern Asia has been almost twice as that of world trade and has been far over-passed the growth rate of North American Free Trade Area and European Union for about more than 20 years .It is really a miracle that the trade in Eastern Asian area is developing so fast under the background of the unsound integration mechanism .This thesis analyzes and introduces the changes and characteristics of trade patterns in Eastern Asia from the point-view of intra-regional trade expansion, and explores the essence and laws of trade expansion in order to offer the relevant foundation for the further intra-regional economic cooperation, at the same time, analyzes and works out the strategies to settle down the difficulties and challenges. Keywords: Eastern Asian ;intra-regional trade; trade expansion 前言 东亚已经成为世界经济中发展最快的地区,成为推动世界经济增长的新动力和中心。同时,东亚的经济发展也显现了一些问题。这种状况充分反映在东亚区域内贸易的发展状态上。过去的二十年中,东亚区域内贸易的流量、流向、结构、模式和关系都发生了显著变化,并引起了世人的广泛关注。在贸易流量方面,东亚区域内贸易在过去二十年快速增长,其增长速度不但高于世界贸易增长速度,而且高于对世界贸易增长速度和对美国贸易增长速度。这使东亚在世界贸易中的地位得到提高,东亚贸易的对外依赖性减弱,东亚对区域外贸易或对美国贸易的比重小于区域内。在贸易结构方面,东亚区域内贸易结构日益高级化,东亚的制成品贸易,特


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