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6. 商业信函翻译实践 请翻译下列商务信函常用语句。 1. We should be glad to hear at your earliest convenience the terms and conditions on which you are prepared to supply. 本公司若能及早获知贵方准备供货的条款则感幸甚。 。2.We have seen your advertisement in the Business World and would be pleased to have your catalogue and price lists of your KV-180 Printers. 我们已看到贵公司在《商业世界》上刊登的广告,希望得到你们KV—180打印机的目录和价格单。 。3. Please find enclosed a full specification of our products. 随函附上我方产品的详细规格,请查收。 。4. We are sorry to inform you that the listed terms of payment do not correspond to our customary business practice. 很抱歉通知贵方,所列付款方式与我方通常的贸易做法不符。 5. We really must apologize for the great inconvenience caused to you. 给对方造成极大不便,对此我方深感歉意。 。6. But for our good relations, we would not have quoted the price. 若不是我们的友好关系,我方是不会报这个价格的。 。7. Your price is out of the line with the market level at our end. Please adjust it according to the conditions of the international market. 贵方价格与我方市场行情不符,请贵方按国际市场行情调整一下。 8. According to the terms of the contract the shipment is to be effected by the 20th June and we must have the B/L by the 25th at the latest. 按合同条款,6月20日前应交货,我们最迟需在25日前拿到提单。 。9. The form and the quality of packing which you offer must be entirely in accordance with our requirements. 贵方所提供的包装方式与质量必须完全符合我们的要求。 10. We look forward to receiving your order and meanwhile enclose a copy of our catalogue as we feel you may be interested in some of our other products. 我方盼望收到贵方的订单,同时随函附寄一份我们认为贵方可能感兴趣的一些产品的目录。 1. 询问函 Dear Mr. Johnson, Would you please quote for delivery and installation of new furniture for the refectory and office of our company? 1. The refectory area is approximately 30m×20m and we require six dining tables, each with four chairs from your No.4 range, and twelve “Junior Executive” chairs. 2. Would you please quote price inclusive of transportation and insurance, and inform us when delivery will take place? We look forward to receiving quotation soo


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