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本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(设计)
题 目:智能窗户窗帘控制系统
院 系:电子与信息工程系
专 业:电子信息科学与技术
学 号:118732008035
指导教师: 周晨晖 职 称 讲师
2012年 12月20日
摘 要
关键词: AT89C52 红外遥控 光控 湿度传感器
With the rapid development of modern electronic technology, intelligent home has gradually entered peoples lives. At present, the modern home environment and the dark lighting is mainly used in manual opening and closing, opening and closing manually is not only laborious but also many not human, will cause some user problems, windows blinds control system can solve these problems. Overview of the smart window curtains design and production process. The design is based on the MCU intelligent control window curtain design system, with rain, infrared remote control, automatic detection and control, and all other functions. The microcontroller core, auxiliary to the necessary external circuit, through humidity sensors, photoresistors, infrared receiver one head, the infrared emitter to input devices, control windows, curtains and show circuit as the motor output device, to achieve detection of light in daily life rain and so on. The use of single chip AT89C52, read the information input devices, control software keil programming, and L298N to control the motor forward and reverse, the delay through the software to control the motor trip, so as to achieve the switching function of the window curtains. While taking advantage of the clock chip DS1302 and LCD1602 to display the time and date and alarm clock.
Keywords: AT89C52 ;Infrared remote control ;Light control ;Humidity sensor
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