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Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) British author, b. New Zealand, regarded as one of the masters of the short story . Her original name was Kathleen Beauchamp. A talented cellist, she did not turn to literature until 1908. Her first volume of short stories, In a German Pension (1911), was not remarkable and achieved little notice, but the stories in Bliss (1920) and The Garden Party (1922) established her as a major writer. Later volumes of stories include The Dove’s Nest (1923) and Something Childish (1924; U.S. ed. The Little Girl, 1924) Katherine Mansfield is noted for her short stories with themes relating to womens lives and social hierarchies as well as her sense of wit and characterizations. Her significant role in revolutionizing English short story As Ian Gordon remarks,Mansfield“had the same kind of directive influence on the art of the short story as Joyce had on the novel.After Joyce and Katherine Mansfield neither the novel nor the short story can ever be quite the same again”. The incorporation of stream of consciousness into stories,the emphasis on the“glimpses”,the focus on the interior life of her characters, rather than the contrivances of plot (anti-plot ) are her innovations in the short story and have been adoptedby many of her contemporary and later writers. The themes of her stories are mostly some single moments of daily life,through which she tries to reveal the profoundmeaning of trivial things. Point of view 一时来至省亲别墅 的牌坊底下,刘老老道:“嗳呀!这里还有大庙呢。”说着,便爬下磕头。众人笑 弯了腰。刘老老道:“笑什么?这牌楼上的字我都认得。我们那里这样庙宇最多, 都是这样的牌坊,那字就是庙的名字。”众人笑道:“你认得这是什么庙?”刘老 老便抬头指那字道:“这不是‘玉皇宝殿’!” 于是 进了房门,便见迎面一个女孩儿,满面含笑的迎出来。刘老老忙笑道:“姑娘们把 我丢下了,叫我碰头碰到这里来了。”说了,只觉那女孩儿不答。刘老老便赶来拉 他的手,咕咚一声却撞到板壁上,把头碰的生疼。细瞧了一瞧,原来是一幅画儿。 刘老老自忖道:“怎么画儿有这样凸出来的?”一面想,一面看,一面又用手摸去, 却是一色平的,点头叹了两声。一转身,方得了个小门,门上挂着葱绿撒花软帘, 刘老老掀帘进去。抬头一看,只见四面墙壁玲珑剔透,琴剑瓶炉皆贴在墙上,锦笼 纱罩,金彩珠光,连地下踩的砖皆是碧绿凿花,竟越发把眼花了。找门出去,那里 有门?左一架书、右一架屏。 two typical narrative methods adopted by Mansfield in the characterization of her narcissists 1. Free indirect spee


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