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Infrastructure as a Service Platform as a Service System architecture : Software as a Service Software as a Service Deployment models How to deploy a cloud system ? Public Cloud Public cloud definition The cloud infrastructure is made available to the general public or a large industry group and is owned by an organization selling cloud services. Also known as external cloud or multi-tenant cloud, this model essentially represents a cloud environment that is openly accessible. 公共雲或稱公有雲,是指在網際網路上將雲端服務公開給一般大眾使用的一種外部雲端(external cloud),任何有網際網路存取權的人都可使用,只要上網註冊就可以使用,屬於公開型的雲端運算服務,主要以服務中小企業或個人為主。 Basic characteristics : Homogeneous infrastructure Common policies Shared resources and multi-tenant Leased or rented infrastructure Economies of scale Private Cloud Private cloud definition The cloud infrastructure is operated solely for an organization. It may be managed by the organization or a third party and may exist on premise or off premise. Also referred to as internal cloud or on-premise cloud, a private cloud intentionally limits access to its resources to service consumers that belong to the same organization that owns the cloud. 私有雲在狹義上是一種內部雲端服務,也可稱為專用雲、內部雲(internal cloud),為單一組織所有,私有雲以大型企業為主要客戶,並不連接到外部的網際網路上,可提供許多公共雲端的好處,讓企業組織擁有更大的彈性和控制功能,在資料流量尖峰期間的傳輸延遲率比公共雲端低。 Private Cloud Private cloud definition 廣義的私有雲服務則可以透過使用公司內部的專有網路或虛擬私人網路 20 (virtual private network,VPN)的方式連接私有雲,將外部資源變成企業內部資源,提供安全掌控性,同時內部IT資源在管理、調度、擴展、分派、存取控制與成本支出上都更具精細度、彈性與效益。 Basic characteristics : Heterogeneous infrastructure Customized and tailored policies Dedicated resources In-house infrastructure End-to-end control Community Cloud Community cloud definition The cloud infrastructure is shared by several organizations and supports a specific community that has shared concerns (e.g., mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance considerations). 社群雲顧名思義以社群為發展對象,目前以學術社群為主。社群雲的要求是混合雲要求的子集,社群雲具有企業共享的基礎架構,而這些企業擁有共同目標。 Hybrid Cloud Hybrid cloud definition The cloud infrastructure is a composition


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