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Appendix A – Information about the Tenderer Tenderers are strongly advised to take note of Clause 3 and the marking scheme in Annex I of the Terms of Tender before preparing for Appendix A. Tenderers are required to submit the following information for evaluation of Tenders. (Please use additional sheets if the space provided is not sufficient and mark clearly on the sheets the relevant part of the Appendix A being referred to.) Brief history of the Tenderer The Tenderer is required to possess at least two years’ experience in the five years immediately preceding the Tender Closing Date in providing employment assistance services to unemployed able-bodied Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients for not less than 200 participants in any two years, failing which its Tender will not be considered further. The Tenderer is required to provide documentary proof for substantiation of the claim of experience and information on items listed in the table below in respect of any five projects operated in the five years immediately preceding the Tender Closing Date. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of project(s) Whether the project(s) is/are commissioner by the Labour Department (LD)/ Social Welfare Department (SWD)* Yes/No# Yes/No# Yes/No# Yes/No# Yes/No# (If Yes, please state the project type*) Dates and duration of operating the project (with commencement and end date, if any) Location(s) where the project is/ are operated Content of pre-employment services provided to project participants, in particular those that helped enhance the work motivation and employability of participants Content of post-employment services to project participants successfully placed into employment that helped them settle into their jobs Number of participants served in the project (with breakdown by each year) Number of project participants successfully placed into Full-time Employment (with at least 120 hours of work per mo


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