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汉唐时期牛疫的流行与防治 韩 毅 摘要:汉唐时期约发生了21次传染性较强的牛疫,其中东汉时期6次,两晋时期2次,南北朝时期4次,唐代8次,五代1次,大多分布在黄河流域和淮河以北地区。种类主要有急性牛疫、牛疥癣病、牛黄热病和牛漏蹄病等。牛疫的发生和流行对汉唐社会产生严重影响,不仅引起耕牛的大量死亡,而且造成畜力短缺,威胁到农业的正常播种,从而引起历代政府、医学家、农学家、星占学家、道家等不同社会阶层的关注和重视。防治牛疫的措施主要有医学措施和经济措施两方面,尤其是医学本草、方书、农书等著作中出现的新方剂,对于有效地控制牛疫的流行起了一定的作用。另一方面,牛疫的流行以及在此基础上引发的耕牛大死亡,一定程度上推动了政府救济职能的完善、农业耕作方式的变更和新农具的出现,成为农业技术革新的主要动因之一。 关键词:汉唐时期;牛疫;病因病症;医学措施;经济措施 The Prevalence of Cattle Epidemics and Its Responses in the Han and Tang Dynasties Han Yi (The Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China) 【Abstract】 Cattle epidemics,which was acute cattle plague, cattle bovine mange, cattle yellow fever, cattle rotten hoof disease and others, brought a serious impact on the Han and Tang society. As cattle was very critical for agriculture in ancient China, most social strata in the Han and Tang Dynasties issued policies to protect cattle from epidemics. These policies could be concluded by “prevention before sicken” and “contagion protection after sicken”. Moreover, some primary measures of medicine and economy were issued by the government, physician, agriculturists, astrology scientist, Taoist and others. Firstly, Bureau of Livestock assigned veterinarians to make diagnosis and give treatments, distributed medical drugs and prescriptions, regulated rules of pasturage. Secondly, laws were modified to allow the farm cattle business. Thirdly, new farm implements were extended to prevent missing the opportunity of cultivation. The forth was to strengthen the financial subventions. These measures, to some extent, not only promoted the improvement of government assistance functions, the changes of agricultural practices, the birth of new farm implements, but also become the main driving force of technological innovation in agriculture. 【Key words】 the Han and Tang Dynasties;cattle epidemics;cause of disease;symptom of disease;medical measures; economic measures 历史上的牛疫,是一种急性传染病,发病急骤,传染速度快,死亡率高,不仅给牛群的集约化


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