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國立台灣科技大學數位學習與教育研究所研究生第2階段學位口試注意事項 Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education Notes for 注意事項Notes) 備註Remarks) 口試前 Before oral examination 請先確認已達本所要求畢業學分數 for graduation 確認已在國內外有審查制度之相關學術刊物或研討會發表論著壹篇以上 one refereed paper in academic journal or conference proceedings in related fields 確認完成英文必修4學分或英檢證明 you have got 4 credits of required English courses or obtained an acceptable English Proficiency Test certificate. 請先確認完成相關事項才能提第二階學位口試 碩士班畢業相關表格請於台科大學生資訊系統線上登錄後列印orms related to master graduation, please log in the NTUST Student Information System. 碩士論文審定書、推薦書、口試評分表等相關表格,請務必於口試前先於線上登錄,以避免日後成績無法輸入o avoid failure in entering your score, be sure to register online the following forms before the oral exam: Thesis Approval Letter, Recommendation Letter, Oral Exam Rating Table. 口試2週前 Two weeks before oral examination ◎最遲請應於口試2週前,將「論文口試委員推薦表」交至所辦公室? ”Form to Recommend Thesis Oral Exam Committee Members” to the Institute Office no later than two weeks before the oral exam. ◎另需繳交研究所成績單、發表論文證明、英文必修(英檢)等證明 proof of publishing papers, proof of English requirement (English required courses credits or an English Proficiency Test certificate) should also be submitted. ◎口試場地借用(請先與所辦公室確認) for the Oral Examination, please check with Institute Office in advance. 本推薦表可於教育所網頁下載 This form could be downloaded from webpage of our institute. 由所辦公室製作「邀請函」,連同論文、聘書(非當學期首次擔任委員者免)一併寄送給口試委員 hould be sent to the committee members all together: Invitation Letter issued by the Institute Office, thesis, letters of appointment (only for those who serve in the oral exam committee the first time in this semester). 如口試1週前所辦公室仍未收到論文初稿,將通知申請學生停止口試。 If Office does not receive the thesis of the applicant by one week before the oral examination, the oral exam will be canceled and the students will be notified. 口試前 Before oral examination ◎口試海報張貼公告於明顯處 ral examination poster should be posted in a prominent place. 請備妥海報檔案,至所辦公室列印 Please the poster file by yourself and print it out in t


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