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Rural Poverty Statistics in China: Based on Rural Household Surveys 改革开放后中国的扶贫开发 Poverty Alleviation in Post-reform China 4 periods: 1978-1985 1986-1993 1994-2000 2001-2010 1978-1985 贫困减少主要依靠整体经济增长和经济体制改革 Economic growth and social transitions contributed the most in poverty alleviation during this period 1986-1993 中国政府从1986年起开始直接针对贫困地区和贫困人口进行农村扶贫开发。 Regional development approaches and self-development of rural households 开发式扶贫项目,增强自我发展能力 Development-oriented anti-poverty activities 1994-2000 实施《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划》,扶贫开发进入攻坚阶段 8-7 plan 力争用7年时间,基本解决全国农村8000万贫困人口的温饱问题 Basically eliminate the absolute poverty in 7 years 592个国定贫困县 592 designated “national poor counties” 针对贫困人口 Aiming at the poor population 2001-2010 实施《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2001-2010)》 The Development Orientated Poverty Alleviation Program in Rural China (2001-2010) 扶贫任务不仅是解决贫困人口的温饱问题,也要帮助初步解决温饱、但还不巩固的贫困人口增加经济收入,改善生产生活条件,实现稳定解决温饱。 Solve the subsistence problems of the remaining absolute poor and help the low-income group to improve their development capability 多元贫困:强调综合开发、全面发展,不但要加强基础设施建设,也要重视科技、教育、卫生、文化事业的发展,改善社区环境,提高生活质量,促进贫困地区经济、社会的协调发展和全面进步 Multi-dimensionality of poverty 参与式扶贫 Participatory approaches for poverty reduction 贫困监测的发展 Evolution of Poverty Monitoring 1986年开始使用贫困发生率的概念 Introduce poverty incidence in 1986 1995年开始用国际通行的方法测算贫困线 Determine poverty line using the internationally accepted method 1997年起在592个国定贫困县/扶贫重点县进行贫困监测 592 county poverty monitoring since 1997 2001年改进调查方案以反映多元贫困及进行扶贫活动的影响评估 Reform national poverty monitoring program in 2001 to better reflect the multi-dimensionality of poverty and to evaluate the impact of poverty reduction activities more objectively 贫困统计数据来源 Data Source of Poverty Statistics 全国农村住户抽样调查 National Rural Household Survey 全国农村贫困监测抽样调查 National Rural Poverty Monitoring Survey 专项贫困监测调查 Special Poverty Monitoring Survey 全国县乡村统计资料 Regional Statistics through Administrative Reports National Rural Household Su


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