Topic-The single currency and the UK专用课件.ppt

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Topic-The single currency and the UK Possible Problems of Joining the Single Currency By Zhou Jiewen Review The relationship between the exchange rate and the balance of payments Exchange rate effect a country’s balance of payment Floating and fixed exchange rates CONTENTS(P112-P117) * Review * Possible Problems of Joining the Single Currency List and illustration Why did the UK not join the Euro? *Subject extensions * Activity 分组 1 周游 潘炜 潘雅婷 谭苑 王诗慧 2 肖立超 岳鑫 张捍 魏振波 3 张雨晴 侯津仪 徐若鹏 文勤 4 蒋旭 雷桢 罗蕾 黄怿夏 5 蒋芬 邓雪 袁盛玉 黄淑惠 The UK did not join the Euro 布朗提出加入欧元区的5个标准是在1997年确立的,包括:1.英国的经济周期与经济结构能否与欧盟国家在单一利率下达到趋同?2.能否为英国经济提供足够的灵活性,使之能够应付各种变化?3.能否为外国长期投资提供更有利的环境?4.能否维持并增强英国金融服务业在全球的地位?5.能否增加就业? Why did the UK not join the Euro? Possible Problems of Joining the Single Currency: Transitional Cost(过渡成本)-Mainly those of changing systems,e.g.tills,computerised systems. Other aspects include staff trainning. Loss of independent monetary policy(丧失独立的货币政策)-scope for fiscal policy adjustments is restricted by need to stay within 3% of GDP. Inability to devalue independently(无法独立贬值)-individual governments lose this policy instrument. Misalignment of Exchange Rates(汇率偏差)-an exchange and interest rate which benefits most members may not benefit all. And Asymmetric Interest Rates(不对称利率)- The UK operates a variable rate system. Most Euro countries operate a fixed rate system. Regional Differences(区域差异)- These may affect firms which will be persuaded to move to more prosperous areas. Inability to devalue independently(无法独立贬值) 货币贬值在一定条件下能刺激生产,并且降低本国商品在国外的价格,有利于扩大出口和减少进口,许多国家把它作为反经济危机、刺激经济发展的一种手段。 汇率工具常用于调节一国国际收支失衡,各国政府都希望使用汇率工具使失衡的国际收支恢复平衡。 英镑贬值促进当地旅游业 金融危机重创了许多国家的旅游业,不过伴随着金融危机和利率的调整,英镑对欧元、美元等西方主要货币都出现了大幅贬值,这也就使得到英国旅游的成本大大降低,给全球经济衰退背景下的英国旅游业带来了一线生机。   2009年根据英国旅游局的统计数据,受到英镑贬值的影响,今年夏天来英国旅游的外国游客较去年同期增长了64%,德国、荷兰、美国、澳大利亚、中国等地的游客明显增加。   游客增加了,由此给英国相关产业带来的收入也出现了大幅增加。根据英国伦敦新西区公司的统计,今年美国人在这里的消费总额较去年增加了65%,中东游客的消费总额增长了51%,外国游客购物消费成了公司当季的主要收入来源。 货币贬值对国际收支的影响 Conclusion If the UK join the Eu


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