Unit 14 长句的翻译专用课件.ppt

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Unit 14 长句的翻译专用课件

The Translation of Long Sentence Unit 14 具体翻译方法 1、顺序译法 2、变序译法 3、分句译法 1、顺序译法 If you reach Chicago by train and spend only an hour or two there you will feel the light wind off the lake which gives it the name “Windy City”. 如果你乘坐火车抵达芝加哥,即使只在那里逗留一两个小时,你也会感到从密歇根湖那边吹拂过来的阵阵清风,这就是芝加哥之所以叫做“风城”的缘故。 After walking a long way, the young man came upon a foolish man who had fasten a pair of trousers between trees and who was jumping with all his might high up in the air and trying to hit the two legs of them as he came down. 这个年轻人走了很远的路之后碰上了一个愚蠢的人,这个人把一条裤子系在两棵树之间,正在尽全身力气向上跳,想在落下来时两条腿正好套进两只裤脚里去。 It was the moment I ceased being a child, when I began to have an adult’s awareness of the pain and tragedy in life. 从那一刻起我不再是一个小孩,我开始有了成年人的意识,能意识到人生的伤痛与灾难。 2、变序译法 a.改变定语语序。 b.改变状语语序。 The battle-scarred old communists who once made stormy revolution unfurled a blueprint today for a modern, peaceful and prosperous China. 曾进行暴风骤雨般革命的、身上有战争伤疤的老共产党人,展示了一幅建设一个和平、繁荣的现代中国的蓝图。 However, even the president Tacqueville, who predicted 150 years ago that the United States and Russia would emerge as two great contending world powers could not have foreseen that the nation that potentially could decide the world balance of power in the last decades of the twentieth century, and that could become the most powerful nation on earth during the twenty-first century, would be China. 然而,即使是150年前曾预言过美国和俄国将成为互相争夺的两个世界大国的托克维尔总统,也未能预见到20世纪最后几十年具有决定世界均势潜力并能成为21世纪地球上最强大的国家,将是中国。(虽然定语很长,但层次是清楚的,清晰可读。) 150年前,托克维尔总统曾预言过美国和俄国将成为互相争夺的两个世界大国;然而他却未能预见到20世纪最后几十年具有决定世界均势潜力并能成为21世纪地球上最强大的国家,将是中国。 Congress has made laws requiring most interest groups to give information about how much they spend and how they spend it, the amount and sources of fund, membership, and names and salaries of their representatives. 国会已制定法律,要求大部分利益集团呈报他们花费了多少钱,怎样花的,以及款项的总额和来源、成员人数、代表的姓名和薪金等情况。(顺序译法?) b.改变状语语序。 If a balloon could be made large enough, he speculated, then maybe a nonstop flight could be made to Europe. 他推测,如果能制造一个很大的气球,也许就能够不间断地飞到欧洲。 S


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