Unit.2 Grad Reading Book 1(辽宁大学研究生英语课本)供参习.doc

Unit.2 Grad Reading Book 1(辽宁大学研究生英语课本)供参习.doc

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Unit.2 Grad Reading Book 1(辽宁大学研究生英语课本)供参习

Reference Notes Unit 2 Art of the Table Reading Focus Culinary Delights in China Topic-related Information Chinese cuisine Chinese cuisine originated from various regions of China and has become widespread in many other parts of the world. Regional cultural differences vary greatly within China, givmg rise to different styles of food across the nation. Traditionally there are eight major major reglonal cuisines, or Eight Cuisines (八大菜系) coming from Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan and Zhejiang provinces. Sometimes four of the Eight Cuisines are given greater emphasis, and are considered to be the dominant culinary heritage of China. They are notably defined along geographical lines: Sichuan (Western China), Guangdong (Southern China), Shandong (Northern China), as well as Huaiyang Cuisine (Eastern China), a major style derived from Jiangsu cuisine and even viewed as the representation of that regions cooking. In modem times, Beijing cuisine and Shanghai cuisine on occasion are also cited along with the classical eight regional styles as the Ten Cuisines (十大菜系). French cuisme Frencn cmsme is a style of cooking derived from the nation of France. It evolved from centuries of social and political change. Ingredients and dishes vary by regmn, Cheese and wine are the major parts of the cuisine, playing different roles regionally and natmnally Frenc cmsme is renowned forr its refined cookng and fresh ingredients. About the text In this passage, the author uses expository method to explain what culinary delights in China are. The passage is divided into three parts which are subtitled, namely, Regional Chinese Cuisines, Every Dish Has a Story, and Warmth and Hospitality Expressed by Food. The three parts, though independent from each other, work together to serve the topic of Culinary Delights in China. In each part, the author uses vivid deta


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