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城乡一体化背景下的农民工转型:一个新议题 江立华 摘要 当前,农民工群体正在从亦工亦农向全职非农转变、由城乡流动向城市融合的转变、由谋求生存向谋求发展的转变。本文以城乡统筹发展为背景下探讨农民工的转型,认为农民工转型不仅指农民工的市民化,而且也包括农民工的新型农民化。随着我国产业结构的升级、转型,全球金融危机的冲击,大量劳动力密集型行业减产、倒闭,所需劳动力锐减,农民工在城市的生存和发展受到挑战。学界必须从关心农民工在城市的生存和基本权益保障,转型关注农民工的未来发展。 关键词 农民工 农民工转型 市民化 新型农民 The Transition of Migrant Workers In the Process of Integration of City and Countryside: A New Subject Abstract: Currently, migrant workers are experiencing the transition process which could thoroughly change their characteristics. This group is now transiting from a peasant-also-worker dualstatus to a full-time non-agricultural one, its floating between city and countryside is gradually turning into its integrating with urban society, and meanwhile its goal is also changing from seeking survival to seeking development. Set in overall urban-rural development, this paper discusses the transition of migrant workers. It indicates that this transition should refer not only to the citizenization of migrant workers, but also to the neo-peasantization of them, as the social environment they face is changing. The promotion and transformation of national industrial structure as well as global financial crisis lead to the folding up of large quantity of labor-intensive industries. As a result, migrant workers are confronted with the difficulties to make a living in the city. Thus, The target orientation of the academic should be therefore changed from caring about the basic interest and right protection of migrant workers to concerning about their future development. Key words: migrant worker; transition of migrant worker; citizenization; neo-peasant 当前,我国总体上已进入以工促农、以城带乡的发展阶段,进入着力破除城乡二元结构、形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局的重要时期。而实现该战略目标的关键是处理好农民工问题。本文将以城乡统筹发展为背景下探讨农民工的转型。 以往对于农民工前景的研究主要集中农民工城市适应或市民化的向度上,学界在研究中形成了四种不同的视角:一是基于现代性视角的研究。持该视角的学者从传统-现代、乡土-城市和所属群体-参照群体的二元模式出发,强调农民工以具备现代性特征的城市和市民为参照群体,不断改变自我、调整自己的行为方式,并最终获得不同于传统的价值观念、心理状态和行为模式的现代性的社会过程(李培林,1996;池子华,1998;时宪民,1999;江立华,2003,2004;周晓虹,1998)。二是农民工-城市社会互动视角。持该视角的学者考察农民


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