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本科毕业论文 题 目: 静脉留置针使用的横断面调查 姓 名: 学 院: 系: 专 业: 年 级: 学 号: 指导教师(校内): 职称: 指导教师(校外): 职称: 20 年10月20日 静脉留置针使用的横断面调查 [摘要]随着静脉治疗安全意识的逐步深入,外周静脉留置针作为传统输液工具头皮钢针的换代产品在临床广泛运用,已成为护理人员必备的临床技能。该项技术的应用效果与护士的留置针穿刺与维护技术密切相关,研究证实,不规范的护理是导致留置针并发症、留置针非正常中止及患者拒绝再次使用留置针的主要原因。尤其是新入职护士由于职业防护意识不健全,还存在使用时针刺伤概率大大增加的危险。重复穿刺与并发症的发生不仅增加了患者的痛苦与护士工作量,更增加了患者的经济负担与护患纠纷的风险。为此,评估从事留置针操作与维护的护理人员是否具备必需的相关认知、行为与技术水平需引起护理管理者的关注与重视。 国内外围绕外周静脉留置针开展的大量研究主要集中在:留置针在各类病人中的应用体会、留置针相关并发症的观察与干预、护士操作技术的改进及留置针材料改进等方面。现有研究中以护士应用留置针的能力与认知行为为研究内容的较少,而关于护理人员对留置针的态度与行为研究、尤其临床中普遍参与留置针护理的新入职护士留置针知识、态度、行为、技能状况的调查研究尚未见报道。 [关键字] 周静脉留置针 横断面 知识 技能 A cross sectional study on the use of intravenous indwelling needles [Abstract] with intravenous therapy and the gradual deepening of security awareness, peripheral vein indwelling needle as traditional tools of infusion scalp needle replacement products is widely used in the clinic, has become a necessary nursing staff of clinical skills. The technology the application effect and nurse of indwelling needle puncture and maintenance technology is closely related to study confirmed, not standardized nursing is lead to indwelling needle complications, indwelling needle terminated abnormally and patients refused to use again the main reason for the indwelling needle. Especially the newly recruited nurses due to the awareness of occupational protection is not perfect, there are still using the hour stabbed greatly increases the probability of risk. Repeated puncture and complications occurred not only increase the pain of patients The bitter and the workload of nurses, an increase of more economic burden of the patients and the risk of nurse patient disputes. To this end, assessment in catheter operation and maintenance of the nursing staff whether they have the necessary cognition, behavior and technology level to cause of nursing management concern and attention. At home and abroad on peripheral venous indwelling needle t


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