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宁波大红鹰学院 毕业论文 题目 宁波水产品出口问题及对策 所在学院 经济与管理学院 专 业 国际经济与贸易 班 级 11国贸5班 学 号 1131050510 姓 名 方涛 指导教师 张纯记 2015年 4月10日 毕业论文诚信声明 本人郑重声明: 所呈交的毕业论文《宁波水产品出口问题及对策》是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立研究、写作的成果。除文中特别加注的地方外,论文中不包含他人已经发表的学术成果或者他人为获得高等学校学位而使用过的材料,论文中不涉及任何知识产权纠纷。否则,本人将承担一切责任。 学生签名: 年 月 日 摘 要 水产品是宁波传统出口创汇的重要产品,一直以来,宁波水产品因为具备淡水资源丰富、地理位置优越的利好条件,所以在我国水产品出口市场上占据着举足轻重的地位,在国际上也具有较强的竞争能力。由于国际市场的进一步开放,水产品市场竞争也日趋激烈,宁波水产品出口业务也面临更大的挑战,包括:缺少自主品牌、质量安全标准越来越高等,因此作为在水产品出口中占有重要地位的宁波市自然受到了很大的影响。 在此背景下,研究宁波水产品出口问题及对策是一个有价值的课题。本文主要从宁波水产品的出口问题入手,结合近几年相关水产品出口的数据,根据问题提出有针对性的对策,旨在为当前宁波水产品出口企业提出相关发展策略,对宁波水产品发展具有较大的现实意义。 关键词:宁波水产品,出口,问题及对策 Abstract Aquatic products is one of the important products, has been the export of aquatic products in the international market occupies a pivotal position..Nningbo aquatic products with fresh water resources are rich, good condition of the geographical position is superior, so in the aquatic product export market in China occupies a pivotal position, has strong ability to compete in the international community. Due to the international market to further open, aquatic product market competition is increasingly fierce, Ningbo export of aquatic products also face greater challenges, including: the lack of independent brands, quality and safety standards, more and more higher, therefore as Ningbo in occupies an important place in the export of aquatic products of natural affected by a lot. Under this background, the research of Ningbo export problems and countermeasures of aquatic products is a valuable topic. This article mainly from Ningbo exports of aquatic products, combined with the data related to aquatic products export in recent years, according to the problems put forward targeted countermeasures, aiming at the current Ningbo aquatic products export enterprises put forward relevant developmen


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