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You are going to read a list of headings and a text about preparing in the academic community. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each numbered paragraph (41-45). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)
[A] You may have to impress the company HR representatives as well. HR reps are typically trained to ask very specific and personal questions, like what salary you expect and what you’ve made in the past. They might ask you about your impressions of the company and the people who interviewed you. They might also ask if you have other offers. If so, chances are good that they are willing to compete for you. But if you say that you have other offers, be prepared to back it up with the who, what and when, because they might challenge you. The HR reps are also the people who will conduct or arrange reference and background checks. They might have the final say.
[B] Besides management, you might also interview with one or more of your future coworkers. Regardless of the questions they ask, what they most really want to know is how well you’ll fit into the team, if you’ll cause them more work instead of less, and if they should feel threatened by you. When answering, be eager enough to show that you are a good team player and will pull your load, but not so eager as to appear to be a back-stabbing ladder climber!
[C] Always research a company before you interview, and remember that attire, body language and manners count, big time. Try to avoid common mistakes. You may think that this is common sense, but crazy stuff really happens!
[D] Job interviewing is one of the most popular career topics on the Web. But no career advisor can tell you exactly what to say during a job interview. Interviews are just too up-close and personal for that. About the best that career advisors can d
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