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材料化学专业简介 Introduction to the Specialty of Materials Chemistry 材料化学专业,学制4年,属非师范专业。 本专业自2002年设立以来,经过十余年的建设,取得卓越成绩。学院拥有材料科学与工程一级学科博士点及博士后流动站,形成了从本科、硕士、博士到博士后的完整人才培养体系。 现有教师32名,包括教授17人、副教授10人、讲师5人。其中,具有博士学位31人,有海外留学经历教师26人。拥有的各类先进实验仪器设备价值达3500余万元,实验室面积达7000平方米,为教学与科研创造了一流的硬件平台。 本专业以培养厚基础、宽口径、高素质的理工兼备复合人才为目标,通过四年系统学习和培养,使学生具有在材料学、材料工程、化学及相关交叉学科进行更高层次深造的能力,以及在企业、科研机构、高校及事业单位从事科研、开发、教学与管理工作的能力。 The materials chemistry with a four-year schedule is a non-normal specialty. Outstanding achievements have been made in the materials chemistry specialty since it was established in 2002. The School of Materials Science and Engineering has the national key discipline doctoral program and the post-doctoral station of materials science and engineering. In the past decade, the discipline of materials science and engineering has formed a whole cultivating talents system covering from undergraduate degree, master degree and doctoral degree to post-doctoral programs. Currently, there are 32 academic staffs in the School of Materials Science and Engineering, including 17 full professors, 10 associate professors and 5 lecturers. 31 academic staffs hold PhD degree, and 26 staffs have foreign studying or working experiences. The school has a variety of advanced equipments and instruments valued more than 35 million RMB, and more than 7000 m2 laboratory areas, which provide the first-class hardware platform for the teaching and scientific research. The material chemistry specialty aims to cultivate high-quality polytechnic compound talents with solid basis and wide caliber. After 4 years systematic studying, the students will develop the ability of further education in materials sciences, materials engineering, chemistry and relevant interdisciplinary, and be qualified to work on scientific research, research and development, teaching, and management in company, scientific research institution, college and university, and public institution. 附件1:陕西师范大学本科非师范专业教学计划 Te


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