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太极拳长期习练者身心经验建构历程的质性研究   摘要:采用质化深度访谈方式,辅以半结构访谈大纲来搜集并研究6位太极拳长期习练者身心经验构建的历程。太极拳长期习练者其拳龄从9至35年不等,年龄则介于27至73岁之间,其中3名男性、3名女性。研究发现:1)太极拳习练者习练缘起主要有求知性、人际关系、审美意象等三个方面;2)太极拳习练者从技入艺,再由艺入道的身心经验构建历程适切Klob的经验学习理论,是由具体经验、观察反思、抽象概念化及积极实践四阶段构成的学习圈不断循环提升的过程;当习练者达到“身心平衡”时,会略过反思直接进入实践阶段;当身心冲突或遇到身心水平较高的“他者”并以之为学习榜样时,会让习练者产生反思;3)影响太极拳习练者之身心经验建构的关键因素主要有:高明的太极拳老师引领,练习者的习练心态及良好习练氛围的营造等。4)在经过太极拳长期习练及领悟后,能给习练者的身体机能、觉察能力、生活模式、心性与处世态度等带来影响与改变。   关键词:太极拳;身心经验;构建历程;身心学   中图分类号:G852.11文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-2076(2016)05-0083-08   Abstract:his study uses qualitative in-depth interviews, supplemented by semi-structured interview to collect and study the construction process of physical and mental experience of 6 long-term ai-chi practitioners (3 male and 3 female). he age of the practitioners is between 27 and 73 years old, and the practice time is from 9 to 35 years. [JP2] Research hasfound: 1) here are three reasons for practicing ai-chi: knowledge-seeking, interpersonal relationship and aesthetic images; 2) he construction process of physical and mental experience ofai-chi practitioners is from technique to art and finally to concept, which is consistent with the experience learning theory of Klob;It is a process of continuous improvement of the learning cycle that is composed of four stages: specific experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active practice. When practitioners reach the balance between body and mind, they will directly enter the practical stage without reflection; yet, when practitioners experience physical and mental conflict or meet other people who are in higher body and mind level and make them as studying examples, they will produce reflections; 3) he key factors of construction of physical and mental experience of ai-chi practitioners are: the guidance of ai-chi masters, practice mentality and good practice atmosphere, etc. 4) Long time practicing and understanding can influence and change the practitioners body function, awareness, mode of life


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