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江苏省宿迁中学 林 利 Webbing a tale of friendship (P4) 2012-2013学年第9期总第493高一课件 For Senior 1 Ⅰ. Pre-reading: Do you know anything about Charlotte’s Web? What do you know? Please give a brief introduction to the book. Yes. I read the novel. /I saw a film based on it. / I watched a film on TV./ I watched a cartoon based on it. A pig and a spider become good friends. The spider saves the pig by weaving words on its web, but this makes her tired and she dies. Ⅱ. Reading Collect information about the book. Charlotte’s Web was a classic novel written by an American writer E.B White. It became successful after it was first published in 1952. It was adapted for a Hollywood film. 2.What is the plot of the novel? A pig called Wilbur grows up in a barn and makes many friends, including a spider called Charlotte. Learning that Wilbur will be killed as dinner, Charlotte is determined to save her friend by writing words on her web in praise of Wilbur, which makes the farmer change his mind. Wilbur is saved, but Charlotte is so tired that she dies. 3.What is the main message of the novel according to the article? It is about love, friendship, commitment, life and death. 4.What can we learn from the last three sentences in the article? Life can be dull but if you help others it becomes meaningful and starts to make sense. Ⅲ . Words and expressions Find the words and expressions to translate the following sentences: 当甜点最终 端上来时,孩子们已经吃不下了。 导演决定电视剧以大团圆结尾。 有些学生支持这一建议,有些学生则强烈反对。 这些爱好有助于提高我们生活的品味。 孩子们要学会经受住挑战和压力。 1. When the dessert was eventually served up, the kids were too full to have any. 2. The director was determined to give the play a happy ending. 3. Some students were in favor of this idea while some were against it. 4. These hobbies help lift up our life. 5. Children should be taught to stand challenges and pressure. Ocean coral disappearing (P5) 2012-2013学年第9期总第493高一课件 For Senior 1 江苏省宿迁中学 林 利 Ⅰ Pre-reading: Do you know anything about the Great


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