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Answer questions after reading. 1.What was Paul Miller’s experiment? To stay off the Internet for 12 months. 2. When did Paul Miller get back online? He got back online on May 1. 1. Why did Paul Miller decide to do the experiment? He wanted to find out more about himself and focus on other activities. 2. What did Paul do during his first few months offline? He met with friends, rode his bike and read Greek literature. 3. As time went by, how did Paul feel about his life off line? He began to regret his choice. 4. What did Paul start to do with his life offline as the months went by? He began to miss his Facebook and long distance friends, and he started playing video games for hours. 5. Why did Paul think his experiment was a failure? He found that he could not live without the Internet. 6. What does “the internet is where people are” mean? It means “people are always connected to each other by the internet”. sign off; survive; describe …as; go by; intend to; be linked to; In hopes of: 1.你能停掉网络然后12个月不再上网吗? Could you sign off of the Internet today and not go online again for 12 months? 2.他过了一整年不上网的生活希望更了解自己并 更多关注别的活动。 He lived his entire year offline in hopes of finding out more about himself and focusing on other activities. 3. 他从一年没有网络的生活中活了下来.. He survived a year without the Internet. 4. 他描述最初的几个月是充满了令人惊奇的事情 He described the first months of 2012 as full of surprising events. 5. 随着几个月过去,他学会了过一种新的生活。 As the months went by, he had learned how to make a new style of life. 6.这正是他想要做的事情。 This is what he intended to do. 7.真实的保罗和世界其实已经和网络相连了。 The real Paul and the real world are already linked to the Internet. 1. But as the months went by, Miller “had learned how to make a new style of wrong choices off the Internet”. 但是随着几个月过去了, 米勒“已经学会了怎样过一种错选了没有网络的新生活方式”。 as 引导时间状语; go by 过去;流逝 = with the months going by 随着时间的流逝,他的头发变白了。 As time went by, his hair became gray. With time passing quickly, his hair became gray. 2.“Not to say th


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