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益肾方对Experimental study that the YiShenBaoZhen Decoction’s (YSBZD) about Renal anemia rats serum EPO expression level 周冬枝 韩萍 曹丽君 张海燕 侯蕊娟 赵丽莎 袁慧 西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院中医科 西安 710061 通讯作者:周冬枝,女,主任医师,教授,硕士生导师,电话:029邮箱:wxg2397@ 摘要:【目的探讨益肾方对慢性肾功能衰竭大鼠贫血的干预作用及疗效机理方法采用二步5/6肾切除的方法复制慢性肾功能衰竭大鼠贫血模型正常组n=9)、模型对照组n=8)、益肾方高n=9,46.5g/kg.d)、低剂量组n=9,15.6 g/kg.d)及尿毒清组n=8,2.5 g/kg.d)。每,连续6周促红细胞生成素结果Hgb、RBCEPO水平均显著升高(P<0.01或P<0.05P<0.05或P<0.01 MCV无统计学差异;BUN、ScrP<0.01或P<0.05结论益肾方肾性贫血,其机理可能与降低氮质潴留,减轻毒素对造血的抑制提高红细胞刺激因子EPO水平 关键词:益肾方;肾性贫血; EPO Abstract:【Objective】To explore the YihenBaoZhen Decoction’s (YSBZD) intervention effect to the renal anemia of chronic renal failure in rats and the mechanism of the effect of the treatment.【Methods】We produce rat model of chronic renal failure with the method of the two-step of 5/6 nephrectomy. According to completely random design principle, are divided into 5 groups,respectively for normal group, the model group, the YSBZ high-dose group, YSBZ low-dose group and Niaoduqing group .Give medicine 6 weeks, to measured Scr, BUN, detected hemoglobin, the red blood cell count, the average volume of red blood cells, serum EPO.【Results】Compared with the model group, YS high doses group,low doses group all can make Hgb,RBC and EPO increase,with significant difference compared with Niaoduqing group(P<0.05Scr, BUN decrease,and compared with Niaoduqing group have no statistical significance.【Conclusion】The YS can interfere with the process of the renal anemia, the mechanism of which may be: reducing nitrogen retention, and reducing the toxin on the inhibition of hematopoietic system; increasing factor about stimulating synthesis of red blood cells. 【Key Words】YiShen Decoction; renal anemia; erythropoietin; 肾性贫血(RA)是慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)时以血红蛋白降低为主的并发症,发生机率近100%。贫血程度一般随肾功能恶化而加重,是导致慢性肾衰高死亡率的首要因素。目前多采用人工重组促红细胞生成素治疗,但也存在相当的问题,因此研究开发治疗RA新药是肾脏治疗研究的热点之一。,临床观察对RA有较好的治疗作用,本研究通过5 /6肾大部切除建立CRF动物模型, 探讨其疗效及作用机理材料 1.1 实验动物 SD大鼠,雌雄各半,体重200±20g,~8周龄,清洁级,由西安交通大学医学院实验动物中心提供。益肾


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