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红外热辐射型沥青混合料降温特性与路用性能研究 解建光 杨朝旭 方晓青 何永斐 徐海东 (南京航空航天大学 土木工程系 江苏南京 210016) 摘要:用改性红外粉等量替代石灰岩矿粉作为填料,制备了热蓄积量较低的红外热辐射型沥青混合料,试验考察其降温特性和路用性能,并通过扫描电镜表征了掺粉混合料的结构性质。结果表明:混合料的最佳油石比与红外粉掺量呈线性递增关系;掺粉量越高,试件表面温度越低,但降温速率减小,最多可降低8.4℃;与不掺红外粉试件相比,掺粉试件的高温稳定性、低温稳定性和水稳定性性能均有所改善,6%掺量试件马歇尔稳定度提高了12.2%,残留稳定度高达98.9%,12%掺粉量试件的低温劈裂抗拉强度提高了21.3%;掺入红外粉后沥青胶浆更加致密、均匀、混合料的孔洞缝隙较小。 关键词:沥青混合料;红外粉;路面温度;路用性能;微观结构 Study on cooling attribute and the road performance of the infrared radiation asphalt mixture Xie Jianguang , Yang Zhaoxu , Fang Xiaoqing , He Yongfei , Xu Haidong (Departmen t of C iv il Eng ineer ing, Nan jing Un iversity of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing210016,jiangsu,Cchina;) Abstract: RHHW was used to instead of the limestone ore fines as the fill of asphalt mixture, and the infrared radiation asphalt mixture of which the heat storage is low was made. By experiment, Its cooling attribute and the road performance were studied, and the constitutive property was characterized by scanning electron microscope. The result shows: the optimal asphalt content is linearly related to the content of RHHW; The higher the RHHW content be, the lower the temperature of asphalt surface be. It can be lowered by 8.12℃ at last. Compared with the asphalt of 0% content of RHHW, all the the stability at high temperature and low temperature and the water stability of the the asphalt which was mixed with RHHW were improved to a certain degree . The Marshall stability of 6% RHHW content increased by 12.2% with the residual stability was up in 98.9%. The low temperature splitting tensile strength of 6% RHHW content asphalt increased by 21.3%. After the Impregnation of RHHW, the asphalt mastic become to be denser and more even-textured with the smaller holes and cracks. Key words: asphalt mixture; RHHW; cooling attribute; road performance; microstructure 0引言 红外粉是一种能吸收热量,通过能级跃迁将自身能量转化为红外波段辐射能的金属氧化物粉体材料。红外辐射材料的应用多见诸于工业高温节能[1]以及建筑隔热领域[2],在道路领域目前还未见应用。低热蓄积型沥青路面的基本原理就是在沥青混合料中掺入一定量的红外粉,将路面热能转化为辐射能,并在大气红外窗口波段内将部分能量以


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