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2008-09SBL超級籃球聯賽季後賽前四強比賽成績與各項攻防技術 關聯分析之探討 陳昭元、周俊三 德霖技術學院 摘要 本研究係以2008-09SBL超級籃球聯賽晉入季後賽前四強之所有場次比賽成績(勝率)為參考函數,各場次所表現之各項攻防技術(三分命中率、二分命中率、罰球命中率、進攻籃板球、防守籃板球、助攻、搶截、阻攻、失誤及犯規)為比較函數,應用灰色系統理論之關聯分析方法,探討各項攻防技術對季後賽成績(勝率)的影響程度。各項攻防技術經過灰色關聯分析所得結果,得知影響2008-09SBL超級籃球聯賽季後賽成績表現之高低順序為X2二分命中率(r02=0.94577)>X3罰球命中率(r03=0.92969)>X5防守籃板球(r05=0.92285)>X1三分命中率(r01=0.90462)>X6助攻(r06=0.90185)>X10犯規(r010=0.89396)>X9失誤(r09=0.86985)>X4進攻籃板球(r04=0.85700)>X7搶截(r07=0.85596)>X8阻攻(r08=0.83577)。經由研究結果所得,可以明瞭前四強隊伍之各項攻防技術在2008-09SBL超級籃球聯賽季後賽中,應佔的地位及其對成績表現之影響作用,日後在擬定訓練處方及計劃時,應優先發展關聯度高的項目,並針對關聯度低的項目予以特別強化,以點帶面促進各項攻防技術全面發展,並可提供作為日後在晉入季後賽之比賽戰略和戰術的擬定參考,藉以提昇比賽成績表現。 2008-09 Super Basketball League playoff games before the semi-finals results and various offensive and defensive techniques Jau–Yuan Chen、Chun–San Chou De Lin Institute of Technology Abstract In this study, 2008-09SBL Super Basketball League to enter the playoff games before the semi-finals of all screening results (winning percentage) as a reference function, the performance of the screening of the offensive and defensive techniques (3-point made, 2-point made,free throws made , offensive rebounds, defensive rebounds, assists, Steals, blocks, turnovers, and fouls) as the comparison function, Application of gray system theory of the correlation analysis method, look into the various offensive and defensive techniques Season Race results (winning) the degree of influence. The offensive and defensive technology over the gray correlation analysis on the outcome of That affect the . 2008-09 SBL Super Basketball League playoffs, the level of academic performance of the order of X2 2-point made (r02 = 0.94577) X3 free-throw made (r03 = 0.92969) X5 defensive rebounds (r05 = 0.92285) X1 3-point made (r01 = 0.90462) X6 assists (r06 = 0.90185) X10 fouls (r010 = 0.89396) X9 turnovers (r09 = 0.86985) X4 offensive rebound (r04 = 0.85700) X7 Steals (r07 = 0.85596 ) X8 blocks (r08 = 0.83577). The results obtained by the study, you can understand the offense and


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