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2013年北京中考英语试题 2013年北京中考英语试题答案 一、单选   答案:22-26 ABCBA? 27-31 DBCDB? 32-34 CDA   解析: 22题考查人称单词, 23题考查介词词组from to, 24题考查连词or, 25题考查比较级, 26题考查情态动词can,   27题考查不定代词anything用于否定, 28题考查there be句型, 29题考查How often表示问频率, 30题考查将来时,   31题考查ask sb to do, 32题考查现在完成时, 33题考查被动语态结合过去时, 34题考查疑问句转陈述语序. ? ??? 二、完形填空   完形: 一个口吃男孩的故事 (改编自国外杂志上的一篇文章, 答案及原始文章见下)   答案:35- 39 ACCDD? 40 -44 BADBC? 45-46 BD   三、阅读理解   A篇: CAB????? B篇: DDA???? C篇: ABC   完形文章出自美国德克萨斯周杂志 The Staff,继续保持连续六年的出题风格——选材源于英美原版文章,对文化差异性的把控和理解要求较高 原文:Her Name Was Mrs. Claussen - And She Cared by Dr. Lee Reeves   As I walked down to the counselors office, I thought to myself, What will she be like Will she be old or young? Pretty or ugly? Will she care? Oh well, I figured it didnt really matter, anyway. Id had so many speech therapists over the years Id lost count. Another school, another therapist. I wondered why I even bothered to go. My stuttering seemed to be just as much of a problem now as it always was, and besides I hated to miss P.E. How did they find out that I stutter anyway? The last school must have sent my records. It was pretty hard to hide the way I talked. As I walked down the hallway, memories popped in my head of how painful being a kid who stutters had been. Memories of how the kids used to call me Motor Mouth, and of the teacher who asked me if I had lock-jaw. It still hurt.   The pain welled up inside as I rounded the last corner toward the office. Dont start getting weak knees now, I whispered to myself. I wondered why I didnt stutter when I whispered, or when I talked to myself. At any rate I was sixteen years old and a junior in high school - time to gut up. Time to meet the new one!   Hello! Im Mrs. Claussen. I hear youre from Texas! She must have thought I was a little off my rocker as I stood there gawking, with my mouth wide open and my face red as a beet. She was really pretty! And she was young, too!   Ye-Ye-Ye-Yes m-m-m-m-m-m-m-aam I am, I fumbled out.


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