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Mid-term Project ICC 523 Haiying Wang Content Lesson objectives Chapter 10 我每天七点半起床 I get up at 7:30 every day Word bank 起床 睡觉 打球 然后 上网 写信 喜欢 大学 图书馆 生活 每天 电邮 Time expressions It’s time to quiz yourself. After you hear two schedules, please finish the tasks that follow. 小美’s schedule Please try again….. Good Job!! 友朋‘s schedule After you hear 友朋‘s schedule, write out the name and time for each activity. (8 activities) Answers to 友朋‘s schedule 起床/八点 睡觉/十二点半 上课/九点半 吃晚饭/六点半 去图书馆/七点 打球/四点一刻 学中文/两点二十分 上网/十一点 Written assignment A note to 小文. Situation: You are 小文‘s roommate. Since 小文 was in a class. You are going to notify him a call you got this morning. The call is from 小文‘s older brother. He said he would be coming to visit on April 19th. He’ll get here at 11:30 am and then he’s going to eat lunch with him. He wants 小文 to phone him when he’s back. A sample note 小文, 你好! 今天上午九点一刻我在吃饭的时候,你哥哥给你打电话了。我说你在上课。他问我你什么时候回宿舍,我说下午四点半。他给你留言, 说他四月十九号要来看你,他上午十一点半来宿舍。然后他想跟你一起吃饭。你回来以后请给他打电话。他说你有他的电话号码。 再见。 _______(your name) _______(3/29)______(10:45am) Congratulations!! After you have completed the previous tasks, you have achieved all the objectives for this chapter. Now all you have to do is to 说中文,be sure to use time expressions properly. * * Lesson objectives Word bank Quiz Answers Describe times and days in Chinese Describe your daily schedule Leave a note in Chinese Qichuang Shuijiao Daqiu Ranhou Shangwang Xiexin Xihuan Daxue Tushuguan Shenghuo Meitian Dianyou 点/dian 分/fen 刻/ke 就/jiu 才/cai 半/ban 上午/shangwu 下午/xiawu 月/yue 日/ri 年/nian Clock time Day/date 下午三点 四月十五日/号 Decide whether the following 5 statements are true or false. 1. 小美每天早上八点起床。 2. 然后九点去学校上课。 3. 下课以后, 小美去图书馆看书。 4.下午小美上中文课。 5. 中文课下课以后,小美去打球。 不对 对 对 对 对 不对 不对 不对 不对 对 6, 7 or 8 right answers? good job!! less than 6


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