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浅谈地震灾害及抗震建筑材料 摘要: 人类希望能征服大自然,乱砍乱伐、过度开采、过度放牧、大量排放污染气体等。但大自然一次次的向人类展示了他的威力,在自然灾害面前我们人类是显得多么的渺小,有时无能为力。近些年来,我国地震灾害频发,汶川地震,玉树地震,云南盈江地震,最近的甘肃岷县漳县地震等都给国家和人们的生活带来了巨大的损失,面对难以预报和不可控的地震我们一次次的无奈与无助,我们一次次的为丢失的家园欲哭无泪,既然我们无法改变地震灾害带给我们的难以衡量的损失,那么面对地震灾害我们应该怎样做,才能有效的减轻灾害的危害呢?本文主要讲人们应该加强对抗震建筑材料的认识及合理使用、形成完善的地震灾害响应机制、预报预警措施、灾后救助途径来减轻灾害带给我们的损失。 Abstract: Hope to be able to conquer the nature, human deforestation, overexploitation, overgrazing, discharge gas pollution, etc. But to the human nature and showed his power, in the face of natural disasters we human are how small, helpless sometimes. In recent years, the earthquake disasters in our country,The wenchuan earthquake, in yushu earthquake, earthquake of yingjiang in yunnan province, the recent MinXian get a county in gansu earthquake and so on all to the state and the life of people brought huge losses, In the face of difficult to forecast and uncontrolled earthquake we helpless and helpless, again and again we again and again for the lost homeland nervous, since we cant change the loss of earthquake disasters bring us hard to measure, so in the face of earthquake disaster, how should we do to effectively relieve disasters harm? This article mainly tell people should strengthen the understanding of earthquake resistant building materials and reasonable use, forming perfect earthquake disaster response mechanism, forecasting warning measures and post-disaster relief ways to reduce disaster losses to us. 关键词: 地震 响应机制 抗震建材 预报预警 灾后救助 Keyword: Earthquake , Responding mechanism, The seismic building materials, Forecast warning, Disaster relief. 地 震 (一)概述 地震是地球内部发生的急剧破裂产生的震波,在一定范围内引起地面振动的现象。地震就是地球表层的快速振动,它就像海啸、龙卷风、冰冻灾害一样,是地球上经常发生的一种自然灾害。大地振动是地震最直观、最普遍的表现。地震是极其频繁的,全球每年发生地震约550万次。地震常常造成严重人员伤亡,能引起火灾,水灾,有毒气体泄漏,细菌及放射性物质扩散,还可能造成海啸,滑坡,崩塌,地裂缝等次生灾害。 近两年来,我国地震灾害频发,四川汶川8.0级特大地震,青海玉树7.1级地震等,据地震专家研究表明,我国进入了地震的活跃期。由于地震灾害表现出的不可预见性和不可控性,灾害的突发性、破坏性使人们在灾害面前措手不及,应变能力还不够强。 (二)响应机制 地震应急响应机制是我国各级地震应急预案的核心内容,分级响应是地震应急响应机制的重要特点。以《国家地震应急


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