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教育中人文精神的反思及建议 【中文摘要】 1993年,王晓明等人发表的《旷野上的废墟——文学和人文精神的危机》一文,使人文精神问题得到了广泛关注。从此,由文学界进而扩展到教育界。经过多年的教育实践,人们已经越来越认识到人文教育的关键在中学阶段,最典型的学科便是语文学科。在新课程改革下,如何以语文学科为载体作为人文教育的主渠道呢?基于以上的思考,本文分四个部分进行论述。从人文精神的发展流变入手,在对中西方人文精神的内涵分析的基础上,本文在第四部分结合笔者的多年来中学语文的教学,对中学语文教学中人文精神的培养进行了归纳总结。提出了自认为行之有效的见解。在本文的写作过程中,一度也曾想过在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,建构一套能够有效贯彻人文精神的教学模式。但通过深入研究,我最终放弃了这个想法。任何模式方法都有其独特性和针对性,不可能存在“放任四海而皆可”的模式,那样的后果只有一个,就是导入新一轮的模式化教学。因此,在本文的最后,并没有采用理论上的论说来构建渗透人文精神的模式,而是根据自己的教学实践采取了从小处着眼,以课例为例,形成了一套较具体、表象的方法。目的是把自己在语文教学中体现人文精神的有益的成功的经验展示出来。以期对当前中学语文教学中的人文教育有所裨益。 ; 【英文摘要】 In 1993,Wang Xiaoming,who published on the ruins of the wilderness - literature and the humanities spiritual crisis to the humanistic spirit problem has been widespread concern,Since then,the literary further extended to the education sector.After years of educational practice,it has been increasingly recognized that the key to humanities education at the secondary stage,the most typical subject is chinese language.In the new curriculum reform,how can language subjects be as the carrier as a main channel for humane education?Based on the above thinking,this paper is divided into four parts exposition. Prom the development of the humanistic spirit theological start,in the spirit of the humanities in the Western connotation on the basis of the analysis of the paper,the fourth part of the authors many years of secondary language teaching in secondary schools,in the humanistic spirit of a culture summary which made effective view.In the writing process,this paper was also considered in the absorption basis of the results of previous studies on the construction of a humanities to effectively implement the spirit of the teaching mode.However,through the in-depth study,I eventually gave up the idea.Any method has its own unique pattern and targeted,it is impossible to laissez-faire can be universal model,as only one of the consequences is the introduction of a new model of teaching.Therefore,in this paper,the final part did not use the


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