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PAGE ~PAGE 1~ 交會的眼神和聲音 ──陳黎、陳育虹詩作的中西承傳與轉化 陳義芝 提要 本文以戰後世代詩人陳黎、陳育虹的作品為對象,分析閱讀、翻譯在他們創作上的影響。陳黎之變,見諸1995年出版的《島嶼邊緣》;陳育虹之變始於2002年結集的《河流進你深層靜脈》。一為對應消費文化語境的符號運作,一為在物化現實中的想像開啟。陳黎受異質素刺激,有刻意不雅的造反姿態,卻能藉諧擬、延異,展現滑步舞蹈的美感;陳育虹受西方繆思女神召喚,著重聲韻與神話情感,其言說具多重指涉。本文解讀以文本為據,佐以筆者對兩位詩人的訪談驗證,不純然著眼於中西承傳、轉化,還關注兩性異同,另一層次交會的思考。 關鍵詞:中西承傳、翻譯、陳黎、陳育虹、延異、神話、聶魯達、莎弗 The Gaze and Voice that Cross ──The Chinese / Western Literature Inheritance and its Transformation in Chen Li and Chen Yuhong’s Poetry Abstract: This essay, focusing on two poets of post-WWII generation, Chen Li and Chen Yuhong’s poetry, attempts to analyze how reading and translating have influenced their creative works. Chen Li’s change could be witnessed in his 1995 book, “Edge of The Island”; and Chen Yuhong’s breakthrough began from her 2002 book, “River Streams Deep into Your Vein”. The former copes with the context of consumer culture with symbolic maneuvers, while the latter tries to move into an imaginative world in the materialized reality of present time. Chen Li, provoked by the heterogeneous elements, rebels intentionally with vulgarism; however, by measures of parody and differance, attains an almost glissade-like aesthetics. Chen Yuhong, inspired by the western muses, builds her works on phonology and mythological sentiments to bring out referents of multi-meanings. The article, based on my interpretations of their poetry and my interviews with the two poets, discusses the Chinese/western literature inheritance and its transformation shown in their works, taking notice also of the gender difference/similarity, which could be regarded as an encounter of two minds in another plain. Key Words: Chinese/western literature inheritance, translation, Chen Li, Chen Yuhong, Differance, Mythology, Neruda, Sappho 一、前言 陳黎(1954-)畢業於台灣師範大學英語系;陳育虹(1952-)畢業於文藻外語學院英文系。陳黎任教中學英語數十年;陳育虹服務過外商機構,旅居國外十餘年。陳黎翻譯外國詩,含拉丁美洲、歐美與日本十餘種;陳育虹譯有禪修書《雪之堡》以及莎弗(Sappho, ca.630-580 B. C.)等西方詩無數。陳黎翻譯的詩都已結集刊行;陳育虹則拿翻譯當精緻閱讀,除〈莎弗詩抄〉六十


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