
Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function意识崩溃的波函数.ppt

Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function意识崩溃的波函数.ppt

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* * * * * As I argues before * * * * The design was the same as in most presentiment studies. We used 8 meditats with more than 5 years of experience mostly form the mindfulness tradition. They did two sessions, one while meditating, one while not meditating in the scanner. There were 8 controls matched in age and gender. Th controls did only one session. During these sessions the subjects were exposed to 64 randomly selected pitures of emotional or neutral nature. Each 16 seconds a picture was presented for two seconds, All meditators were trained to meditatie in the hostile environment of the scanner while lying down with open eyes. * The analysis consists of two parts. A spatial analysis and a temporal analysis. To find regions in the brain where something might be hapenning we looked at the contrast between the responses of meditiators and controls irrespecitve of the type of stimulus. Once we had found these regions we compared the bold signal BEFORE the emtional and before the neutral stimulus. * Here wre 36 regions that we found were showing significant differences in BOLD response. We will report on these in a separate paper. For each of these 36 regions we analyzed the timecourse preceding the three type of stimulus for the different groups of subjects. This gives the following table. * * We determined the largest anticipatory peak comparing the three types of stimuli in the 8 seconds preceding the stimulus. If everything is noise one would expect that for each of the three stimuli type there is an equal probability that the largest peak is before that stimulus. However theas can be seen from the row all conditions there were significantly lower number of largest peaks before the neutral stmuli. So we confirmed a presetment effect. The predicition that meditators showed more of this also was cofirmed as can be seen by comparing the ratio between emotion and netral largest peaks for meditators and controls. However something extremely interesting



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