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分类号            郑州电力高等专科学校毕业设计(论文)题    目 现代企业货物运输存在的主要问题及对策研究             并列英文题目 Modern enterprise cargo transport problems and Countermeasures Research             系  部 经济贸易系     专业 物流管理       姓  名 赵艳英       班级 物流管理0901      指导教师 郝会霞          职称       论文报告提交日期        郑州电力高等专科学校摘要:当前国际金融危机对中国宏观经济的影响仍在持续,中国宏观经济增速趋缓,物流行业遭受一定冲击。但随着政府各类“扩内需、保增长”政策的陆续出台,中国经济有望继续保持平稳较快增长,物流行业的市场前景也开始逐步好转。在运输量稳步增长的同时,运输结构逐步改善。铁路运输在各种运输方式中比重逐步下降,其他运输方式运?输能力快速提高,公路、水运和民航的潜力得到发挥,减轻了铁路运输的压力。中国政府有关部门官员表示,改革开放以来,中国交通运输对国民经济的“瓶颈”制约状况明显缓解,交通运输业步入了发展的黄金时期。但是,随着经济的发展,我国货物运输依然存在着主要问题,而且,已经制约了我国经济的发展。关键词:货物运输、铁路、对策、政府、物流顽症Abstract:The current international financial crisis on Chinas macroeconomic impact is continuing, China macro economic growth slowed, logistics industry suffered from certain impact. But as the government of the expansion of domestic demand, the growth of the policy comes on stage in succession, Chinas economy is expected to continue to maintain steady and fast growth, logistics industry market prospects also began improving step by step. Steady growth in volume of traffic at the same time, transportation structure gradually improve. Railway transportation in various transportation means the proportion of the down gradually, other modes of transportation ability rapidly improve the transportation, highway, water transportation and civil aviations potential can be fulfilled, reduce the pressure of the railway transport. Relevant departments of the Chinese government officials say, since the reform and opening up, China transportation to the national economy by the bottleneck restriction condition significant relief, the transportation industry into the golden era. But, with the development of economy, our goods transport there still exist the main problems, and, has restricted the economic development of China.Key words: cargo transport, railway, countermeasure, government, logistics problem前言面对中国13亿人口的旅客运输市场,铁路、公路、民航客运竞争越来越激烈,根据中国铁路客运的现状分析,铁路客运要实现增运增收,必须发展稳定中长途客运市场,积极开发短途客运市场。随着我国多种


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