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玻璃回收的流程图范文-看这一篇足矣-新东方郑仁强2011年04月22日 17:16:53 The diagram below shows the process of glass recycling. 正文: The flow chart provided indicates how glass is recycled. It is interesting to note that the whole process can be divided into 3 phases. First of all, glass products in various forms are gathered in the collection point, so that they are easily transported by special trucks or vans to the Cleaning plant, where they get sterilization by high-pressured water. There are three different channels in the Recycling plant, namely Brown, Green and Clear, which represent the colors of glass. After being recycled in the furnace, glass products are melted into recycled liquid glass. Mixed with new liquid glass, the compound is finally molded into solid glass, which, afterwards, will be sent to various customer supermarkets for selling. Thus, the glass will go to the customers for different purposes. Through a brief introduction of the circle of glass recycling, we come to realize that the process of glass recycling is a complicated one and I believe it plays a vital role in environmental protection and ecological preservation. 注意:此范文绝非强哥完全原创,主体部分来自于网络,强哥做了若干修改和润色。在模仿学习的时候,重点模仿背诵范文之中的连接手段。流程图为考察较少的题型,不必做过多练习,各位考生看这一篇足矣。 超牛的雅思饼状图范文(趋势类,即含有变化时间的)-新东方郑仁强-每一句都有不同分数级别哦2011年04月22日 17:55:12 Two pie charts show five things people like to spend on leisure time in 1985 and 1995 in Europe. 首段 Band 5: The two pie charts given show the popularity of several different hobbies among European adults in 1985 and 1995. Band 7: A glance at the two pie charts provided reveals the relative popularity of various leisure activities among European adults in 1985 and 1995. 主体段 第二段 第一句 Band 6: Clearly, watching television was the number one leisure activity in both years, at 32 percent in 1985 and 30 percent in 1995. Band 7: Of these activities, watching television was the most widely enjoyed in both years, at 32 percent in 1985 and a slightly lower 30 percent in 1995. 第二句 l Band 5: However, the


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