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生活方式预测你的寿命 You eat right, hit the gym, avoid smoking, and don’t drink too much — but will your healthy lifestyle really pay off? Scientists say yes. According to a new study published in the journal Preventative Medicine, people can extend their life expectancies by avoiding four poor lifestyle habits: smoking, alcohol, poor diet, and inactivity. 你饮食合理,经常锻炼,不吸烟,不酗酒——但是,健康的生活方式真的有所回报吗?科学家给出了肯定的答案。根据美国《预防医学杂志》上发表的必威体育精装版研究,通过避免四种不健康的生活习惯,人们可以延长寿命。这四种不良习惯包括:吸烟,饮酒,饮食不当和不运动。 Researchers at the University of Zurich studied 16,721 people, ages 16 to 90 from 1977 to 1993 with their corresponding deaths up until 2003. The purpose of the study was to determine what a healthy lifestyle looked like in numbers and to prove that avoiding unhealthy factors can help increase life expectancy. Some interesting findings: Smoking is the highest risk factor, with smokers having a 57 percent higher risk of dying prematurely. Also, people who engage in all four risk factors have a mortality risk that’s two and a half times higher than someone who refrains from bad health habits. 苏黎世大学在1977年至1993年期间对年龄16至90岁之间的16,721人进行了研究,直到最后一个人在2003年死亡。该研究的目的是确定大众的健康生活方式,并证明避免不健康的生活放式可以延长寿命。研究发现:吸烟是最大的风险因素,吸烟者早夭的风险比一般人高57%。涉及所有四种风险因素的人的死亡率比克制不良健康习惯的人高2.5倍。 Yahoo Health could not reach co-study author Brian Martin, M.D., a professor at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Zurich, for comment, however, he said in a university press release, “We were very surprised by the 2.5 fold higher risk when all four risk factors are combined.” For example, the probability of a 75-year-old man who incorporates all four risk factors surviving the next 10 years is only 35 percent. If he doesn’t engage in those four poor habits, his odds shoot to 67 percent; for a woman, it’s 47 and 74 percent respectively. 雅虎健康联系不上研究作者之一,苏黎世大学社会与预防医学研究所教授Brian Martin。他在大学一场新闻简报上表示,“当我们发现涉及四种风险因素会导致死亡风险高2.5倍时,我们非常震惊。”例如,四种风险因素都涉及的75岁男子再活十年的可能性只有35%。而如果他没有沾染这四种不良习惯,再活十年的可能性就增加到67%。如果是女子,可能性分别是47%和74%。 What’s mo


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