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西南林业大学 本科毕业(设计)论文 ( 2007 届) 题目 生物柴油在发动机上的应用与研究 教学院系 交通机械与土木工程学院 专 业 交通运输 学生姓名 王仁涛 指导教师 谭泽飞(副教授) 评 阅 人 年 月 日 生物柴油在发动机上的应用与研究 王仁涛 (西南林业大学 交通运输专业2007级, 云南 昆明, 650224) 摘要:能源危机是新世纪全球研究的共同性课题,而作为汽车行业,石油资源的日益贫乏,对汽车行业的发展起到了一定的限制,发展新的替代燃料成为迫在眉睫的大事。生物柴油是指以油料作物、野生油料植物和工等水生以及动物油脂油等为原料油通过酯交换工艺制成的可代替石化柴油的再生性。Biodiesel in engine on the application and research Wang rentao (Traffic and Transportation 2007, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming Yunnan, 650224) Abstract: The energy crisis is the new century global research intercommunity subject, and as the automobile industry, petroleum resources increasingly poor, and to the development of the auto industry has had certain limits, develop new alternative fuels has become an urgent event. Biodiesel refers to the oil-bearing crops, wild oil-bearing plants and engineering micro algae of aquatic plants such as oil and animal fats, food waste oil as material oil made by the ester exchange process can be substituted for the petrochemical diesel of regeneratie diesel fuel. The graduation design first from biodiesel own characteristics of biodiesel development at home and abroad analysis; Secondly, according to the biodiesel as fuel in engine test, through the engine power, economy and combustion emission characteristics of biodiesel as engine, it is concluded that the alternative fuel advantage; Finally, the development prospect of bio-diesel were discussed. Key words: biodiesel Purpose and meaning Car Prospects 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1 1.2国内外应用现状 1.2.1 国外生物柴油应用现状 1.2.2 国内应用现状 1.3 论文研究的内容 2生物柴油概述 2.1生物柴油的定义 2.2生物柴油的理化特性 2.3生物柴油的优缺点 2.4生物柴油的生产方法 3生物柴油的动力性、经济性及燃烧性能的研究 3.1 试验系统 3.1.1试验发动机 3.1.2试验所用燃料及特性 3.1.3实验测试设备 3.1.4试验 13 3.2 试验结果分析 3.2.1经济性研究分析


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