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文章编号:1000-3673(2002)08-0044-04 电力系统稳定器对三峡输电系统动态稳定的影响 朱 方1,刘增煌1,高光华2 中国电力科学研究院,北京100085; 长江勘测规划设计研究院,湖北省 武汉市 430010) INFLUENCES OF POWER SYSTEM STABILIZER ON DYNAMIC STABILITY OF THREE GORGES POWER SYSTEM ZHU Fang1, LIU Zheng-huang1, GAO Guang-hua2 China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100085, China; (2. Changjiang Institute of Servey Planning Design and Research, Wuhan 430010, Hubei Province, China) ABSTRACT: The influences of power system stabilizers (PSS) which are applied in the generator excitation control systems of Three Gorges Power Station on the dynamic stability of Three Gorges Power System are analyzed and calculated. Giving priority to the four basic power flows, i.e., the flood season large power flow, the flood season small power flow, the dry season large power flow and the dry season small power flow, the system stabilities under large disturbance and small disturbance are calculated. The research results show that when the PSS is not equipped, the damping of Three Gorges Power System will be insufficient and the low frequency oscillations will occur. Therefore, when the PSS are applied, the damping of Three Gorges Power System will be remarkably enhanced and the system stability will be improved, therefore, it is feasible and necessary to install PSS in Three Gorges Power Station. KEY WORDS: power system; dynamic stability; low frequency oscillation ; PSS 摘要:对三峡电站发电机采用的电力系统稳定器(PSS)对三峡电力系统动态稳定性的影响进行了分析和计算。以2010年的丰大、丰小、枯大、枯小四种基本潮流为主,计算了大干扰、小干扰时的系统稳定性。研究结果表明,三峡电站发电机无PSS时电力系统因阻尼不足会产生低频振荡,采用PSS可明显增强三峡电力系统的阻尼,提高系统的动态稳定性;三峡电站发电机采用PSS是必要的,可行的。 关键词:电力系统;动态稳定性;低频振荡;电力系统稳定器 中图分类号:TM712 文献标识码:A 1 前言 三峡电站及其输电网的建设是举世瞩目的宏伟工程。建成后的三峡电力系统是否存在动态稳定问题?国产的三峡电站发电机励磁系统应采用什么控制规律?这是大家非常关心的。国内对发电机励磁控制的研究很活跃,这是可喜的现象。但一种控制理论的产生,与应用这种控制理论制成工业产品在生产实际中广泛应用,是两回事。目前我国电力行业,对如何将创新的控制理论转化为工业控制产品,尚缺乏规范的管理。发电机励磁控制中的PID调节和附加的PSS控制,仍是现代大型发电机中最广泛应用的。电力系统稳定器(Power System Stabilizer)自60年代出现以来,已在全世界电


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