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Method and technical measure of electrical works 电气主要施工方法和技术措施: A. Process 施工工艺: Conduiting → cabling → installation of lighting fixtures, switches, sockets → power on and commisioning 配管 → 配线 → 安装灯具、开关、插座 → 送电调试 B. Construction notice 施工要点: Surface PVC conduit and pipe in ceiling and recessed PVC conduit and pipe in floor along walls will be provided to the project. Conduiting, which serves to civil works, HVAC and water supply and drainage, should be arranged according to drawings and can not be changed freely. Construction should comply to process standard of national acceptance regulation. 本工程管线敷设为吊顶内明敷设PVC管及电管和沿墙地坪内暗配PVC管和电管。配管必须与土建、暖通和给排水专业密切配合,按图施工,不得随意变动,施工中必须按照国家验收规范有关工艺标准施工。 Surface conduit and recessed conduit will be adopted in the project. Conduits should be connected tightly to assure no water leakage. Electrical pipe should be thread connected. Mouth of conduit should be smooth and equipped with protection mouth. PVC conduit should be connected by sleeving and should be 1.5 to 3 times longer than external diameter of connecting conduit. 本工程均为吊顶明管敷设和暗管敷设。管路连接应牢靠,接头严密,不得有渗露水现象。电管必须丝扣连接,管口应光滑无毛刺,护口齐全,PVC管应用套管连接,套管长度为连接管外径的1.5-3倍。 Bending radium of surface conduit should be 4 times no less than its external diameter and bending radium of recessed conduit should be 6 times no less than its external diameter. There is no obvious wrinkle caused by bending. Surface conduit and support should be fixed strongly and arranged into order. Mouth of conduit should be laid levelly. Conduit should not be inserted into box obliquely and the length in the box should be no more than 5mm. Conduit should be fixed by nut. 明配管R半径不得小于外径的4倍,暗配管弯曲半径不得小于管外径的6倍。管子弯曲处应无明显皱折。明配管及其支架应平滑牢固,排列整齐。管口平直,管子进入箱盒内不得斜插,长度不得超过5毫米,用丝纳子锁固。 All the boxes are not allowed to open holes by electrogas welding. 各种箱盒严禁电气焊开孔。 It is noted that boxes should not be installed on marble table and behind doors and their height are same as each other. Lighting switches and sockets should be inst


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