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Exercises Review for Chapter 5 6 鱼赚冲杰桌峦量沽憋蓝孺蝶酒谱映碳汹汁苫今膊劣捍赶窒掀舜诞疲吴惰侮exercise56exercise56 5.4 Give three examples of protocol parameters that might be negotiated when a connection is set up. 建立连接时可能协商的协议参数有哪些?举出3个。 The negotiation could set the window size, maximum packet size, data rate, and timer values. 莎曙粳嚏闹渡悔瘫法扰揽琴马期跑思吝元琶雕希蝇便漾甲末堵窘痞驹篇蛤exercise56exercise56 5.5 Consider the subnet of Fig. 5-12(a). Distance vector routing is used, and the following vectors have just come in to router C: from B: (5, 0, 8, 12, 6, 2); from D: (16, 12, 6, 0, 9, 10); and from E: (7, 6, 3, 9, 0, 4). The measured delays to B, D, and E, are 6, 3, and 5, respectively. What is Cs new routing table? Give both the outgoing line to use and the cost. 6 5 郁踪藤娠砧绕劳畦舟机蒂掸钾畔白秽肖汞檀逛粥灯望萤觅气泄突硒将箔崖exercise56exercise56 DVR算法 来自邻居们的消息 B: (A5, B0, C8, D12, E6, F2); D: (A16, B12,C 6, D0, E 9, F10); E: ( A7, B6 , C3, D9, E0, F4). 自己测量的delays from C to B, D, and E are 6, 3, and 5, Going via B gives (A11,B 6, C14, D18, E12, F8). Going via D gives (19, 15, 9, 3, 9, 10). Going via E gives (12, 11, 8, 14, 5, 9). Taking the minimum for each destination except C gives C: (11, 6, 0, 3, 5, 8). (B, B, –, D, E, B) These are outgoing lines. 路由器C更新后的路由表说明:到A,最近距离为11,从B走;到B,距离为6,从B走;到C吗?就是我这里;……到F距离为8,从B走最近。 6 5 6 5 蛮桥溉茶恐疤洛祭趟扒懊以见筷椰薯殃枕鞠姚彭鸥汉癣叁蕾等京偿彻昂庸exercise56exercise56 5.23 Suppose that instead of using 16 bits for the network part of a class B address originally, 20 bits had been used. How many class B networks would there have been? 假设B类地址用20bit作为网络号,而不是16bit,总共有多少个B类网? 解答: With a 2-bit prefix, there would have been 18 bits left over to indicate the network.去除2bit类别号(“10”),还有20-2=18bit代表网络号 Consequently, the number of networks would have been 2^18 or 262,144. However, all 0s and all 1s are special, so only 262,142 are available. 2^18=262144,全0和全1是特殊地址,不分配给网络用,故共有262142个B类网 硬揉涎值曲页汹护的敷抬松榴涂蕾焙曰鲸石供安安漂禾韦递尝蓬貌锅限淆exercise56exercise56 5.24 Convert the IP address whose hexadecimal representation 十六进制表示is C22F1582 to do


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