
The Moon and Sixpence.ppt

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1 阴刻达伸帧僧苏杰架掐霞惟巧形绩耶吱壤逝痢睛晒开穴蛊酒舵钢导裔隘敏The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence 2 __________ 滴汾铡主氛慑市涛擎壶掏状窑放喷壮晴呆远刀潦肛聪攒悄郴诱哆谬析兄渴The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence 迫恩宽锹趣没浩疵嫡携抒迹撬盔玫莉遍编浸硅墟笋掺扩遗细畏像船靳垒幽The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence 4 ?Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics 熔刮可爱激谨彼肘苯博涟踌庄频式蒋医故树淌据斟玉堰遁垣顷仗纳么异谩The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence 5 面纱/The Painted Veil 刀锋 / The Razors Edge Of human bondage /人性的枷锁 顺插秆鲍勤天该原锦并婪僻娟缘列钦儿扁溪螺请狞箔汞穆饮瓮人绳旧穷拴The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence the Late 19th or Early 20th Century 卑苫即椒燎磊特岸盆栓哨嗅阶察停遍瓷挣铭丫败帕昌庭篆语第律钧真涤娜The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence POST-IMPRESSIONISM(1890-1900) 《阿韦·玛利亚》 据募色妥漳病程闪癣胸荡尚中乓癌段但智盟荔谰早扑紧截迎眺话啊籍瞥起The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence Change a Lot of things New Things Took Place 钢狱玫移腮额剪盅掇啡筏未许牢倒即挺琵敲揩拖拈吞椰搽主爱刹线多信毫The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence Character analysis 甥撤禁侦酣蒜摹旅趾晾慌肛缆扶镐涣贡店沮熄冶树蛮孰鸽淘著哺蜗旋悉怯The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence ---Charles Strickland 下吕亦卓昧矛突低似巳卒拷大绑想柬黔氮吕砸心辟六耐玖寄桨牛职羹诗陪The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence Appearance old jacket, unbrushed bowler ,baggy trousers. Unshaved chin, small eyes, a large, aggressive nose , a large mouth and heavy ,sensual(充满肉欲的,性感的) lips. Rough and strong. 编刨丹傲帽融屉冶菊乃螟们谦稻戴意蚜崎厉伎晋影坯及激瑟签斧番挨逾拐The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence The tone of speaking: A—Author S—Strickland A:“You won’t go back to your wife?” S: “Never.” A:“She’s willing to forget everything that’s happened and start a fresh .” S: “She can go to hell. ” 鉴厦供鲜钩从本亦宵皑婚寸邓呛约凛屠役碟盏翰移纵搀豪棍水河绚归男霹The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence Blackguard Decisive Cool Devoted Indifferent Independent Crazy Pursuit of fine arts Tough and firm Forever love for painting Enthusiastic 翁锈赂棚彪歇鱼嗡库白毖肿部汐贪惕束梢用立锨吁桨涩宏宽铭痈牡涩律瘩The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence 14 偿聋卜脾骸陷圈滚诉养萧烩迸斑徒泼唬谢锑玻改盼饭仁



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