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表达因果关系的英文句型 (再ZT) 作者:张凯宏 ?西方人自古以来就喜欢辩论,喜欢谈逻辑,此种文化也很自然的反映在文字上面。文化与语言一向就是一体的两面,阿拉伯人游牧生活以骆驼为核心,因此阿拉伯语当中,直接与骆驼有关的字,以及衍生的辞汇,多达数百个。同样的道理,英文里面,表达逻辑关系「因为所以」的辞汇与句型,也是多得不胜枚举,这些辞汇尽管大同小异,但仔细比较之下,些微的差异,还是不可忽略,我们运用时,仍要多考虑上下文,以及习惯用法,多参考名家的例句,才可下笔。以下是一些常用例句,供读者在说写英文的时候参考。 ?1.??? Because the duration of action of the toxin is limited, treatment of ten must be given about every three months. (因为此毒素的作用时期是有限的,每三个月必须治疗一次。) 2.??? Because of? his incompetence, we lost a lot of business.(因为他的能力不足,我们失去很多生意。) 3.??? Just because I dont complain doesnt mean Im satisfied.(就因为我不发怨言,并不表示我很满意。) 4.??? Since this research cannot be justified on the basis of its therapeutic benefit for the patient, it must be considered nontherapeutic.(由於此研究不能以治疗带来的利益来衡量,我们必须从治疗以外的角度来看此研究。) 5.??? The argument is fallacious, for it is based on a set of factual flaws.(这段论述是谬误的,因为它的基础与事实不符。) 6.??? As he has been in prison several times, he is a prime suspect for the case.(由於他坐过几次牢,他是此案件的主嫌犯。) 7.??? Now that these studies have provided us with more convenient, versatile antibiotic strategies for treating low-risk patients with fever and neutropenia, outpatient treatment of these diseases seem justified.(由於这些研究提供我们较方便、多用途的抗生素,以治疗患有发烧以及嗜中性白血球减少症的低危险群患者,那么以门诊方式处理这些疾病似乎就显得名正言顺。) 8.??? Criticism is necessary in that it helps us to correct our mistakes.(批评是必要的,因为批评有助於我们改正错误。) 9.??? The reason why we failed is that the costs were too high.(我们失败的原因是成本太高。) 10.?? He complains with reason that he has been punished unfairly.(他有所抱怨,理由是他受到的处罚不公平。) 11.?? There is no reason to believe that he is dishonest.(我们没有理由相信他是不诚实的。) 12.?? Give me your reasons for doing it.(告诉我你这么做的理由。) 13.?? For these reasons, it appears that the patients we studied viewed alternative medicine as a complement to rather than an alternative to established medical practices for treating breast cancer.(基於这些理由,我们研究的病患似乎把另类疗法视为治疗乳癌的补充疗法,而非替代疗法。) 14.?? The decline in sales is due to several factors.(销售下降要归咎於若干因素。) 15.?? Many people are unemployed as a result



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