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褐飞虱降落机制的个例分析 胡高 包云轩翟保平* (1. 南京农业大学农业部病虫害监测与治理重点开放实验室,南京 210095) 摘要:应用MM5数值模拟模式GrADS气象图形软件,对1999年6月22日~7月2日一次褐飞虱迁飞过程大气背景场进行了个例研究,并侧重对灵川、东至、徽州三个站点的降虫机制了客观分析。结果表明:(1)此次迁飞过程有两个明显的降虫区:天柱-灵川-贺县一线范围内(降虫区Ⅰ)和三都-天柱-黔阳-修水-东至-徽州-奉贤一线(降虫区Ⅱ);(2)低空急流为褐飞虱北迁提供了运载气流降虫区位于降水区边缘;()地形降水胁迫害虫降落是降虫区Ⅰ褐飞虱降落的主要原因梅雨锋降水导致了褐飞虱集中降落在降虫区Ⅱ;()虫源分布差异和不同的天气条件导致了东至、徽州地区不同的降虫分布。 关键词:褐飞虱;降落;梅雨锋;地形胁迫 on the Landing Mechanisms of the Brown Planthoppers Nilaparvata Lugens (St?l) HU Gao1, BAO Yun-Xuan1, Wang Jian-qiang2, ZHAI Bao-Ping1 (1.Key Laboratory of Monitoring and Management of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095,China. 2. Division of Pest Forecasting, NATESC, Beijing 100026, China) Abstract: The landing mechanisms of brown planthoppers, Nilaparvata lugens (St?l) (BPH) were studied using GIS (Geographic Information System), MM5(The Fifth-Generation Mesoscale Model)and GrADS (Grid Analysis and Display System) synthetically to analyze geographic distribution patterns of immigrated populations of BPH and the atmospheric backgrounds that influenced the landing processes. During the momentous rainfall process from June 22 to July 2 in1999, a typical migration process of BPH occurred in the southern China. The spatio-temporal distributions of the immigration peaks of BPH were analyzed using the data of light trap catches and field survey. In addition, we analyzed the atmospheric backgrounds during the BPH immigration, i.e., the windborn streams, the circulation situations, the weather conditions, and the topographies influenced the immigrations, etc. The landing mechanisms of BPH at Lingchuan, Dongzhi and Huizhou were compared based on topography, precipitation, subsiding airflow etc. The correlations between the population densities of BPH at source areas and landing areas were analyzed by using HYSPLIT, a trajectory analysis software. We obtained the following results: (1) BPH landed obviously on the two areas in the studied c


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