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本科生专业文献综述 题 目: 论中小股东权益法律保护的文献综述 姓 名: 张 燕 学 院: 人文社会科学学院 专 业: 法学 班 级: 法学41班 学 号: 2264114 指导教师: 陆红 职称: 副教授 2007 年 06 月 16 日 南京农业大学教务处制 论中小股东权益法律保护的文献综述 法学专业学生 张燕 指导教师 陆红 摘要:中小股东权益的享有,需要法律救济的实现。中小股东的权益广泛,包括表决权、知情权、诉讼提起权、股份价值评估权等。实践中出现了大股东通过董事会或股东会操纵公司,侵害小股东权益的现象。建立在公平、正义、平等原则下的中小股东权益保护,通过采取股东直接诉讼和股东派生诉讼两种途径来实现法律救济,其中股东直接诉讼包括股东会决议无效或撤销之诉、公司解散之诉及股东的不公平损害救济制度,从而使中小股东的权益得到保护。 关键词:中小股东;控制股东;直接诉讼;派生诉讼 Summarization of the Protection to the Rights and Interests of Minority Shareholders Student majoring in law ZHANG Yan Tutor LU Hong Abstract: The rights and interests entitled to minority shareholders need to achieve legal relief .The rights of minority shareholders are broad ,including the right to vote ,the right to be informed and the right to initiate proceedings ,the right to assess the value of shares and so on .In practice there is a phenomenon that the majority shareholders or strong shareholders control the shareholder meeting to violate the rights and interests of minority shareholders. Based on fairness ,justice and the principle of equality ,the rights and interests of minority shareholders protection adopt two ways to achieve the legal relief, one of which is shareholder’s direct action including shareholder resolution to void or rescinded action ,the dissolution of the company action and shareholders unfair prejudice relief system ,the other one is shareholder’s derivative action,in which the minority shareholders represent the company to take lawsuit to protect the shareholder’s rights and interests finally . Key words: minority shareholders; strong shareholders; direct action; derivative action 随着经济的发展


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