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河北师范大学 高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文      题目:论旅游英语的特征 专  业:英语 考生姓名:王涯南 考生所在单位:河北外国语职业学院 准考证号:037709100265 导师姓名:逯娅 联系电话 完成日期: 2011年 月 日 The Characteristics of Tourism English BY Zhu Hua Prof.Gao Zhihuai,tutor Submitted to the B.A. Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the English Department of Hebei Teachers University March 15, 2011 摘要 随着中国旅游业及相关产业的发展和完善,越来越多的外国游客来华旅游观光。虽然这些外国游客并不都是来自英语国家,但英语作为全球应用最广泛的语言,正在被各国人们学习和应用。为更好接待各国游客,使其沟通顺畅,提高游客满意度,旅游英语作为交流工具,无疑在国际旅游业中发挥越来越重要的作用。尽管很多高校和旅游企业都在加强学生和员工的专业性,但对旅游英语的显著特征把握不到位。 旅游英语属于特殊用途英语的一个重要分支,有其自身的特征和规则。虽然特征涉及广泛,但笔者找准焦点,从旅游英语的语言技能翻译出发分析了旅游英语在其听、说、读、写各方面的特征及其单词短语,句子,导游词的翻译,并指出旅游英语与文化的紧密联系。最后笔者将语言性特征分析推进到当今其旅游英语从业人员的特征,是从旅游英语语言本身到其应用的结合,更贴近实际。 关键词: 旅游英语; 语言技能; 翻译; 从业人员 Abstract Currently, the development and improvement of Chinese tourism and some related industries, more and more foreign tourists come to China to have a seesight. Although not all the foreign tourists come from the English-speaking countries, indeed, English has become a tool of communication in many countries and widely uesd. In order to receive the foreign tourists professionally and satisfy the guests with qulified work, tourism English has become the most important to the staffs who work for the International travel agencies. Though the students of the tourism English major and the staffs of this trade are taught to be more and more professional, they can’t grasp the features of tourism English fundamentally. Tourism English belongs to an important branch of English for Special Purposes. It has its own special features and laws. The contents of characteristics of tourism English range widely, however, the author begins with the features of tourism English language skills and the translation, introducing the features of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and the translation of words and ph


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