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1110571 分类号 Y 密级. UDC 硕士学位论文 论文题目 作者姓名: 指导教师姓名职务职 称、学位及单位地址- 爲办攻法大学 申请学位级别:硕士专业名称:丛律竊 论文提交曰期:论文答辩日期:年月日 学位授予单位》 而m Jgf ’法:^学 答辩委员会主席: 评阅人: 年月曰 括开拓性发明、组合发明、选择发明、转用发明、改^^途或_途的 发明、要素变更的发明等。 第五部分分析了实践中在进行发明创造性的判断时应当注意的几种 情况:避免判断的碰主观化、引据技术资料的确实、不断充实专利方面 的专业知识、避免事后判断”的倾向、创立发明的途径、对要求保护的 发明进行审查以创造性有怀疑时是否应当#专利、申请后所发行的 刊物可否据以判断创造性等几个事项’在判断创造性时’以尽影;^或者 避免非必要或主观因素的干扰。 最后论文的结论部分,得出判断发明创造性的程序:(1确定最接近的 现有技术,(2鄉定区别特征和实际解决的技术问题,(3)判断辦护的发明 是否显而易见,(4)^技术方案属于显而易见的四种情形之一的情形下,才 可以考虑区别特征的引入是否给技术方案带来非显而易见的技术縣。这 M程和程序有助于妥善M权利人利益与社会么4利益的平衡。 笔者认为在判断发明创造性时,应当首先弄清创造性的概念与含义, 其次以所属技术领域普通技术人员之水平去确认发明之技术与已有技术 的区别,判断是否属于“非显而易见”,并辅以辅助基准和具体类型,最 终认M明是否具有创造性。 关键词:专利权发明创造性实质性特点非显而易见性 Abstract With the development deeply of flie economy spreading around the wraid and the intellectual-econoniy era arriving, the effect of intellectual property has become more and more inportant in social life and the maricet conpetitioiL More and more inportance has beai attached to the patent system which is an inqwrtant component part of intellectual property law. The substantial conditions for inventive pateit are important component parts of the patent system At the same time, the cieative ccaiditiOT for an invention is the most inqxMtant one of the three substantial conditions to grant a patent In this article, the author atten^ts to prcqx)se same views on the creativity of an invention by, in addition to tiie judicial practice and the patent examiiiatian in China, making use of the theories and practice in ihe examinatkm of tiie aeativity of a patent, especially die non-obvious theories and practice in US and European patent bureaus. This article is divided into five parts. The first part gives a brief introduction to die oigin of the patent system and tiie legislative purpose of the patent system in China so that we can have a general knowledge about the patent system. There is an elabaration on the concept of creativity of an inventive patent and the significance of Ihe conditions to grant a patent. The pr


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