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基于Android的洛阳“本地通”旅游向导平台移动客户端的设计与实现 摘 要 洛阳作为十三朝古都,在中国的旅游城市中占有举足轻重的地位,最近几年的发展更是取得举世瞩目的成效,尤其是洛阳的牡丹和龙门石窟更是驰名中外,成功召开的第三十届牡丹花会无疑是对洛阳旅游行业最好的褒奖。与此同时,随着我国旅游业的迅速发展,为从世界各地来到洛阳 / 的游客提供一个很好的向导平台成了当务之急。 因此,该系统是结合洛阳市旅游行业发展的实际情况、以实际应用为开发背景、经过实际的需求分析、采用在PC端对Android开发环境的模拟技术而开发出来的基于Android系统的一个手机应用。本文运用软件工程原理和软件开发方法,对本应用进行了概要设计和详细设计。该应用操作简便、界面友好、灵活、实用、安全 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTION OF LUOYANG PLACES DIRECTORY TRAVEL SYSTEM BE BASED ON MOBILE WHICH IS APPLYING ANDROID SYSTERM ABSTRACT LUOYANG ,as a capital of 13 dynasty , plays a decisive role in the tourist cities of China. In recent years, the development of LUOYANG travel is outstanding, especially Luoyang peony and the Longmen Grottoes is famous in the world . The upcoming thirtieth meeting of Luoyang peony is undoubtedl / y affirm to LUOYANG travel. At the same time ,as the fast development of China travel, it is an urgent affairsj to offer tourists a travel platform. Under the circumstances, LUOYANG PLACES DIRECTORY TRAVEL APPLICATION is develop under the guidment of teacher and the help of student. So, the systerm is combine with the physical truth of LUOYANG travel, which based on the actual application for development background. After the actual demand analysis, eveloped a Mobile application on the Android systerm. It use engineering principles and development methods of the whole system.Soon afterwards makes outline system design and detailed design. The application is easy and simple to handle, the page is friendly , flexiblely , practically, safely. It Can meet different hobbies of tourists to the requirements of personal mobility. Especially in the application, it is a breakthrough of the interaction among the users. This paper introduces LUOYANG PLACES DIRECTORY TRAVEL APPLICATION BASED ON MOBILE WHICH IS APPLYING ANDROID SYSTERM design background, design idea and realize method. The focus on the application innovation points , break through points, the user experience requirements and the actu


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