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泰 山 学 院 本科毕业论文(设计) 语文教材“练习系统”设计之比较研究 ------以中美两国的语文教材为研究对象 专 业 名 称 小学教育 申请学士学位所属学科 教育学 指导教师姓名、职称 王 蓓 教授 年 月 日 摘要 练习系统是教材的重要组成部分。一篇课文教什么乃至怎么教,很大程度上受制于练习系统的安排。如何通过练习系统来提高,是语文教材编撰所面临的重要课题。本文选取人教版实验教科书出版社出版的《美国语文》,以两套教材的练习系统作为研究对象,对两套教材练习系统的展开比较研究。 论文套教材练习系统双方各自的特色研究的重点是进而提出对教材编写启示与建议,以期对我国教材的练习设计有所助益。 Practical system is an important part of teaching materials. What a class culture and education as well as how to teach, practice is highly subject to systematic arrangements. How to improve the training system to improve the quality of language teaching, language teaching materials compiled in China face an important issue. Select the newly published paper and the Chinese Womens language experiment textbook publishers published the American language to two sets of materials system for the study to practice, practice on the two sets of materials system, the number, nature, learning autonomy, ways of thinking to guide the way and the function of comparative study started. Review copies of teaching practice paper system in common, differences and characteristics of each side. Study focused on teaching practical system by comparing the difference to reflect on my teaching practice system design language, and then make recommendations on the teaching materials and inspiration to the practice of Chinese language teaching materials design helpful. Key words: modification mechanism, reducing resistance, shell - core structure of complex oxide dopant 目 录 1引言----------------------------------------------------------------1 1.1“练习系统”概念界说-------------------------------------------1 1.2“练习系统”问题的提出-----------------------------------------1 1.3研究对象与研究方法--------------------------------------------1 2.人教版语文人教版语文人教版语文1两者都注重对课文的理解和分析、鉴赏与评价-----------------1 4.1.2两者都注重课内与课外的相互衔接--------------------------1 4.1.3 两者都注重阅读和写作的联系--


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