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Unit 1 15. 当火车接近站时,它放慢了速度。(slow down, approach)(参考Ex.3-2, PP 17) The train slowed down as it approached the station. 开汽车过路口时,应该首先降低车速。 When driving across a crossing \ intersection , firstly you should slow down your car . 16. 学生会呼吁同学们诚实参加考试。(call upon) The student union calls upon students to take exams honestly. 市政府号召本地区的企业为当地的慈善事业做贡献。(call upon) (参考Ex.1-15, PP 20) The city govrnment\ The City Council\ municipal government calls upon the local enterprises\businesses to make contributions to the local charities. 17. 许多夫妻以性格不合为由认为(证明)他们的婚姻破裂是合理的。(justify) (参考Ex.1-13, PP 20) Many couples tend to justify the breakdown of their marriage on the grounds of conflict of personalities. 许多学生以担心考试挂科为由认为考试作弊是合理的。(justify, in fear of) Many students justify the cheating in the exam on the grounds that they are in fear of failing in the exam. 他出于担心受伤从来不打篮球。(in fear of) (参考Ex.2-4, PP 24) He never played basketball in fear of getting injured. 18. 政府已经采取了各种措施来加速经济增长速度。(accelerate the rate of)(参考Ex.1-17, PP 20) The government has taken various measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth. 政府已经采取了各种措施来降低房价增长速度。(slow down the rate of) The government has taken various measures to slow down the rate of housing price. Unit2 16. 这房间只对女士开放.(exclusively) This room is exclusively for women. 17他的决定似乎是很不明智的。(irrational) His decision seems quite irrational 18. 我的收入取决于我的工作量。(depend on) The amount I earn depends on the amonut of work I’m doing. 19. 我们得对我们的计划稍加修改。(modify) We have to modify our plan a little bit. Unit4 版本一 严格意义上来说,这不是一件古典音乐作品。 In the strict sense, it is not a classical musical works. 过去我父亲为了谋生和养家糊口不得不工作十几个小时。 In the past, my father had to work more than ten hours to earn a living and support his family. 在这个问题上他的想法恰巧和我一致。 In the matter, his opinion coincides with mine. 据猜想,他最多也就60岁。 At a guess, he is no more than 60 years old. 美国南北战争彻底废除了奴隶制度。 The American Civil War abolished slavery thoroughly. 她


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