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道路交通事故的原因分析及对策 ——以机动车违法驾驶为角度 摘要 近年来在我国机动车数量快速增长的情况下,交通事故及伤亡人数呈不断上升趋势。我国的道路交通事故造成的损失远大于世界发达国家,道路交通事故致死率也远大于发达国家。而在造成道路交通事故的原因中,机动车驾驶人违法驾驶是最严重的因素,所占比例达到90%以上。本文以机动车违法驾驶为角度,通过对其原因的分析以及对策研究,找出方法有效预防高居不下的道路交通事故数量。 本文共分4个部分。第一部分主要阐述当前我国道路交通事故的现状,使读者对我国当前的道路事故有个数字性的了解。第二部分,分析机动车违法驾驶可能存在的原因。第三部分,通过原因的分析,研究适合的对策。第四部分,介绍新实施的《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》其中一些重要的规定以及其对于预防机动车驾驶人违法驾驶的重要意义。 【关键字】道路安全、机动车违法驾驶、新交规 Cause Analysis and Countermeasures of traffic accidents ——From Illegal driving of motor vehicle Abstract In recent yaers,in the case of the fast-growing number of motor vehicles in China,traffic accidents and casualties is a rising trend.The loss caused by the traffic accidents is much larger than the developed countries in the world,the road traffic accident death rate is also much larger than developed countries.In the reason of the road traffic accidents,the illegal driving of motor vehicle drivers is the most serious factor,the proportion reached more than 90%.The article from illegal driving of motor vehicle,through its analysis of the causes and countermeasures,to find a effectively way to prevent the stubbornly high number of road accidents. The article is divided into four parts. The first part mainly on the current situation of road traffic accidents in China, so that readers have a digital understanding of road accidents.The second part mainly analysis the reason for the existence of the illegal driving of the motor vehicle. The third part through the analysis of the causes, research suitable countermeasures. The fourth part, apply for 《Driving license and use the term》some important requirements and their significance for the prevention of motor vehicle drivers who break the law driving. Key words:Road Safety Illegal motor vehicle driving New traffic rules 目录 导言 1 (一)、选题背景和意义 1 (二)、现有文献综述 1 一、我国目前道路交通事故现状 3 二、机动车驾驶人违法驾驶的原因分析 4 (一)、机动车驾驶人技能不足 4 (二)、道路监管力度不足造成侥幸心理 5 (三)、赌气开车或者寻求心理刺激 5 (四)、机动车驾驶人法制意识淡薄 6 (五)、长期形成的驾车陋习 6 (六)、忽视对车辆的保养和维护


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