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当“看到”打败“听到”:论景观在传媒时代的特殊地位 邵培仁 浙江大学传播研究所 浙江 杭州 310028 [摘要] 景观是不同时期地球形态的集合。在文化地理学中,景观既有自然的、物质的形式和形态,又是指附加在自然景观上的人类活动形态。景观是一种由感性的可观性影像建构起来的。在作为以影像生产和影像消费为主的景观社会里,景观不仅具有意识形态功能,而且已经成为现今人们主导性的生活模式。媒介每天都在提供可供大众消费的景观,以其丰富的影像世界构筑起景观社会,同时媒介也不得不受制于景观社会的商业逻辑的诱惑,走上了一条偏离自己本真的批判性和创造性的歧路。 [关键词] 媒介地理,地方,地方感,地方性,媒介空间,文化记忆 When the See Beat Hear: the Special Status of Spectacle in the Media Age SHAO Pei-ren Communication Studies Institute, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310028, China Abstract: Spectacle is a collection of different periods of the Earths shape. In Cultural Geography, spectacle is both natural and physical in its form and shape, it is also “a pattern of human activity attached to the natural spectacle. Guy Ernest Dobord said: spectacle is a kind of fatasy built up by an emotional observability, its existance is sustained by the appearance, and is in a variety of images for external representation. This kind of image production and image consumer-oriented society, is called the society of spectacle. Dobord pointed out that there are two important features of the society of spectacle: first, spectacle has become the goal of the current capitalist mode of production, that is to say spectacle has become modern people’s the dominant way of life. Second, spectacle has the ideological function. We are surrounded by images of the society of spectacle. It is the mass media that create a rich and various media spectacle by continuing production and display of the spectacle. On one hand, the media provide the spectacle for mass consumption every day to build the society of spectacle with the world of abundant images. On the other hand, the media have to be subject to the temptation of the commercial logic to bring about negative subjects. Key words: media geography, location, sense of location, locality, media, cultural memory 在人文和社会科学语境中,媒介景观超越了其媒介地理学意义,被赋予了深刻的批判性含义。由于大众传媒的兴起,大众文化在消费社会中占有绝对优势,媒介和文化的商品化不断制造各种可见的画面、影像和表征,充斥了社会生活的各个角落。强势的电子媒介裹挟技术理性浸入大众传播领域,深刻改变了大众对文化和社会的想象。


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