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(2)白血病动物模型( Animal model of leukemia) ①T淋巴细胞白血病小鼠(L615)动物模型:由白血病病毒诱发,在615小鼠连续传代,30代后建成的稳定的白血病模型。 ②人类急性髓系白血病的小鼠模型(Mice model of human myeloid leukemias):人类胎儿骨片植入SCID小鼠皮下建立具有人类造血功能的SCID-hu小鼠,再将髓系白血病患者的骨髓细胞植入SCID-hu小鼠皮下的人类胎儿骨片 内分泌及代谢性疾病动物模型 糖尿病动物模型( Animal model of diabetes mellitus) 自发性糖尿病模型 KK糖尿病小鼠:2型 NOD/LtJ小鼠: 1型 BBWistar大鼠:1型 肥胖性糖尿病Wistar大鼠:2型 糖尿病地鼠:2型 骨骼系统疾病动物模型 (1)长骨干骨折动物模型(Animal model of long bone shaft fracture) (2)长骨干缺损动物模型(Animal model of bone defects) (3)兔膝关节软骨缺损动物模型(Animal model of Articular cartilage defects of the knee) (4)兔激素性股骨头坏死模型( Animal model of steroid-induced osteonecrosis in femoral head of rabbit) (5)大鼠类风湿性关节炎模型( Animal model of rheumatoid arthritis in rat) (6)脊髓损伤动物模型( Animal model of spinal cord injury) 皮肤系统疾病 (1)系统性红斑狼疮动物模型( Animal model of systemic lupus exythematousus) (2)银屑病动物模型( Animal model of osoriasis) (3)麻风动物模型( Animal model of leprosy) 传染性疾病动物模型 复制传染性疾病的动物模型可以采用生物、物理和化学等因素人工诱发,也可利用自然状态下感染的动物即自发性感染模型。 一、病毒性肝炎动物模型(Animal model of viral hepatitis) (1)狨猴、红面猴、黑猩猩等灵长类动物人工感染人类肝炎病毒。 (2)用动物肝炎病毒模拟人类肝炎病毒(鸭肝炎病毒DHBV 、旱獭肝炎病毒WHV) (3)转基因动物模拟人类肝炎 二、SARS感染动物模型 恒河猴和食蟹猴等灵长类动物接种SARS病毒,可以引起所有实验猴发生间质性肺炎其病理学改变与人类感染SARS病毒后肺部病变近似,但病变的严重程度比较人类轻得多 Development of Critical diseases animal model HIV and SIV chimeric virus-SHIV Classic and New Animal Models of Parkinson’s Disease compounds that produce both reversible (reserpine) and irreversible (MPTP, 6-OHDA, paraquat, rotenone) effects have been used effectively. However recent studies have focused more on irreversible toxins to produce PD-related pathology and symptomatology. Neurotoxic Models 6-Hydroxydopamine. 6-OHDA is the classic and often utilized toxin-based animal model of PD. A lot of information on the behavioral, biochemical, and physiological effects of dopamine in the CNS has been derived from this model. Mice, cats, dogs, and monkeys are all sensitive to 6-OHDA. however it is used much more frequently in rats. The magnitude of the lesion depends on the amount of 6-OHDA injected, the si


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